This is a meta package, that exposes an api factory. It's really not as boring
as it sounds. We only ask you bring your own hash
crypto) to the party, as we already
provide a free base-x codec for your
heavy lifting pleasure.
What, what? This does what exactly ?
At the party, mostly people just stand around and encode/decode crypto coin
address strings to bytes and back. Thrilling right?
Alphabet Soup
We currently serve these alphabets. Make a pull request if you'd like to add one
to the menu.
- ripple
- tipple
- bitcoin
- stellar
var apiFactory = require('../');
var createHash = require('create-hash');
var api = apiFactory({
defaultAlphabet: 'stellar',
sha256: function(bytes) {
return createHash('sha256').update(new Buffer(bytes)).digest();
codecMethods : {
AccountID : {version: 0x00},
Seed: {version: 0x21}
var buf = new Buffer("00000000000000000000000000000000", 'hex');
var encoded = api.encodeSeed(buf);
var decoded = api.decodeSeed(encoded);
var reencoded = api.encodeSeed(decoded)
We could actually encode the seed as a ripple one if we chose :)
console.log(api.encode(decoded, {alphabet: 'ripple', version: 33}));
Wait, what if we wanted to create a prefix for the new nifty spaceMan secrets?
var prefix = api.codecs.stellar.findPrefix(16 , 'spaceMan');
var spacey = api.encode(decoded, {version: prefix});
console.log(api.decode(spacey, {version: prefix}));
You may as well make a little mini module, and export it :)
module.exports = api;
Hell, you could even npm publish it :)
$ npm publish
Anway, what is actually exported here?