containsObject | Checks if the array contains a certain object |
ceil | Ceil the given number |
floor | Floor the given number |
round | Round the given number |
truncate | Truncate the given number |
escapeRegex | Escape Regex input |
unspace | Remove spaces from the string |
toBoolean | Converts the string to boolean value |
isUndefined | Checks if object is undefined |
isNull | Checks if object is null |
deg2rad | Converts degree angle to radiant |
validateEmail | Validates the given email address |
leadingZeroes | Adds leading zeroes to the string untill it matches the given characters length |
commaSeparateNumber | Adds commas to the number at thousands, millions, ... |
getLastMidnight | Gets the last midnight timestamp according to the user date |
getCurrentMonthFirstDay | Gets the last midnight of the first day of the month's timestamp according to the user date |
ceilToMinute | Round number of seconds to the nearest greater number of minutes |
getRandomElements | Get Random elements from an array (duplicates are allowed) |
getUniqueElements | Get Random unique elements from an array |