What is xml-escape?
The xml-escape npm package is a utility for escaping XML entities in strings. It is useful for ensuring that special characters in XML content are properly escaped to avoid parsing errors or injection attacks.
What are xml-escape's main functionalities?
Basic XML Escaping
This feature allows you to escape special XML characters such as &, <, >, ", and '. The code sample demonstrates how to use the xml-escape package to escape a string containing special XML characters.
const xmlEscape = require('xml-escape');
const escapedString = xmlEscape('This is a test & only a test <test>');
console.log(escapedString); // Output: This is a test & only a test <test>
Custom Escaping
This feature allows you to define custom escape sequences for specific characters. The code sample demonstrates how to use the xml-escape package to escape a string with custom escape sequences for &, <, and >.
const xmlEscape = require('xml-escape');
const customEscapedString = xmlEscape('This is a test & only a test <test>', {
'&': '&customAmp;',
'<': '&customLt;',
'>': '&customGt;'
console.log(customEscapedString); // Output: This is a test &customAmp; only a test &customLt;test&customGt;
Other packages similar to xml-escape
The 'he' package (short for HTML entities) is a robust HTML entity encoder/decoder. It supports both XML and HTML entities and provides more comprehensive functionality compared to xml-escape. It can handle a wider range of entities and offers both encoding and decoding capabilities.
The 'entities' package is another library for encoding and decoding XML and HTML entities. It is similar to xml-escape but offers additional features such as decoding entities and handling a broader set of entities. It is also known for its performance and reliability.
The 'escape-html' package is a simple utility for escaping HTML entities. While it is primarily focused on HTML, it can also be used for XML escaping. It is lightweight and easy to use, making it a good alternative for basic escaping needs.
Escape XML in javascript (NodeJS)
npm install xml-escape
var xmlescape = require('xml-escape');
xmlescape('"hello" \'world\' & false < true > -1');
xmlescape('"hello" \'world\' & false < true > -1', '>"&')
There is also now an ignore function thanks to @jayflo
esc = require('./');
ignore = '"<&'
output = esc('I am "<¬>" escaped', ignore)