To build the documentation you should have few things installed:
It is implied that you are in /path/to/xod/doc
directory while executing
any command below:
$ cd doc/
Virtual Environment
Sphinx has few dependencies on its own, so you can prefer not to intall it
system-wide, but to sandbox within the project. To do this use pyvenv
is a part of Python package:
$ pyvenv _build/venv3
$ . _build/venv3/bin/activate
If you’ve set up the sandbox Sphinx will install localy in ./_build/venv3
Sphinx Install
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Building HTML Documentation
$ make html
You’ll get the result in _build/html
If you get “make: sphinx-build: Command not found”, you have forgot to activate
the virtual environment for the current terminal session. Do:
$ . _build/venv3/bin/activate
$ make html