Welcome to the XTS-Interactive-API SDK version 3, This repository is Official Node.js library for Symphony XTS-Interactive-API.
API Documentation for XTS-trading API can be found in the below link.
The XTS Trading API provides developer, data-scientist, financial analyst and investor the functionality necessary to create automated trading strategies, as well as other trading related applications with support of XTS OEMS hosted by Financial Institutions to trade with Indian electronic exchanges.
With the use of the socket.io library, the API has streaming capability and will push data notifications in a JSON format. Your application can place orders and receive real-time trade notification.
There is also an examples folder available which illustrates how to create a connection to XTS OEMS hosted by Brokers to subscribe to real-time events.
Please request for apikeys with Symphony Fintech developer support team to start integrating your application with XTS OEMS.
npm install xts-interactive-api
Access the interactive component of xts-interactive-api like below.
var XTSInteractive = require('xts-interactive-api').Interactive;
Creating the instance of xtsInteractive
xtsInteractive = new XTSInteractive(“https:
call the login API to generate the token
var loginRequest = {
secretKey: 'Abcd@123',
appKey: '5a75a3616cabe678',
source: 'WEBAPI',
let logIn = await xtsInteractive.logIn(loginRequest);
Once the token is generated and userID is retrieved you can call any api provided in the documentation. All API’s are easy to integrate and implemented with async-await mechanism.
Below is the sample Code snippet which calls the balance API.
let balance = await xtsInteractive.getBalance();
Instantiating the XTSInteractiveWS
This component provides functionality to access the socket related events. All real-time events can be registered via XTSInteractiveWS.
After token is generated, you can access the socket component and instantiate the socket Instance and call the init method of the socket like below
var XTSInteractiveWS = require('xts-interactive-api').WS;
xtsInteractiveWS = new XTSInteractiveWS(“https:
var socketInitRequest = {
userID: "XYZ",
token: "ABCDJGJKHK",
You can now register events to listen to the real time order and trade updates and will be receiving the json objects in the response.
var registerEvents = async function () {
xtsInteractiveWS.onConnect((connectData) => {
xtsInteractiveWS.onJoined((joinedData) => {
xtsInteractiveWS.onError((errorData) => {
xtsInteractiveWS.onDisconnect((disconnectData) => {
xtsInteractiveWS.onOrder((orderData) => {
xtsInteractiveWS.onTrade((tradeData) => {
xtsInteractiveWS.onPosition((positionData) => {
xtsInteractiveWS.onLogout((logoutData) => {
Detailed explanation of API and socket related events
Below is the brief information related to api’s provided by XTS-Interactive-API SDK.
Orders API
Calls POST /order.
let response = await xtsInteractive.placeOrder({
exchangeSegment: 'NSECM',
exchangeInstrumentID: 22,
productType: 'NRML',
orderType: 'MARKET',
orderSide: 'BUY',
timeInForce: 'DAY',
disclosedQuantity: 0,
orderQuantity: 20,
limitPrice: 1500.0,
stopPrice: 1600.0,
orderUniqueIdentifier: '45485',
clientID: userID,
Calls PUT /order.
let response = await xtsInteractive.modifyOrder({
appOrderID: 1200037025,
modifiedProductType: 'CO',
modifiedOrderType: 'MARKET',
modifiedOrderQuantity: 100,
modifiedDisclosedQuantity: 0,
modifiedLimitPrice: 300,
modifiedStopPrice: 300,
modifiedTimeInForce: 'DAY',
orderUniqueIdentifier: '454845',
clientID: userID,
Calls DELETE /order.
let response = await xtsInteractive.cancelOrder({
appOrderID: 1828071433,
orderUniqueIdentifier: 155151,
Calls POST /order/cover.
let response = await xtsInteractive.placeCoverOrder({
exchangeSegment: 'NSECM',
exchangeInstrumentID: 22,
orderSide: 'Buy',
orderQuantity: 2,
disclosedQuantity: 0,
limitPrice: 2054,
stopPrice: 2054,
orderType: 'MARKET',
orderUniqueIdentifier: '45485',
clientID: userID,
Calls PUT /order/cover.
let response = await xtsInteractive.exitCoverOrder({
appOrderID: '1400070884',
clientID: userID,
orderUniqueIdentifier: '454845',
calls GET /order
let response = await xtsInteractive.getOrderBook();
calls GET /order/trade
let response = await xtsInteractive.getTradeBook();
Positions API
calls GET /portfolio/position
let response = await xtsInteractive.getPositions({
dayOrNet: 'NetWise',
clientID: userID,
Calls PUT /portfolio/position/convert
let response = await xtsInteractive.positionConversion({
exchangeSegment: 'NSECM',
exchangeInstrumentID: 1922,
oldProductType: 'MIS',
newProductType: 'CNC',
isDayWise: false,
targetQty: '1',
clientID: userID,
Holdings API
Calls GET /portfolio/holding
let response = await xtsInteractive.getHoldings();
Balance API
Calls GET /users/balance
let response = await xtsInteractive.getBalance();
Profile API
Calls GET /users/profile
let response = await xtsInteractive.getProfile();
We do have a market data component which will provide the streaming of our real-time streaming market data. For more info please check the following link.