An unofficial library to use Yandex OCR for free via Translation API, which supports working with JavaScript, TypeScript, and also has built-in parted types for Typebox.
Installation for Bun:
bun add ya-ocr
Installation for NPM:
npm install ya-ocr
Getting started
To start working with the API, you need to create a OCR Client. This can be done using the line provided below.
const client = new OCRClient();
const result = await client.scanByUrl(
You can see more code examples here
To build, you must have:
Don't forget to install the dependencies:
bun install
Regular Build
Building the entire package:
bun build:bun
Building TypeScript types
You can use this build option if you only want to build types for TypeScript:
bun build:declaration
Building a TypeBox of Types
You can use this build option if you only want to build types for TypeBox:
bun build:typebox
The library has minimal test coverage to check its performance.
Run the tests:
bun test