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A Node.js API for the YouTube comment system. Scrapes comments and comment information from a given YouTube video on demand.
This project is in no way affiliated with YouTube.
Install as a module via npm.
$ npm install youtube-comment-api
var fetchCommentPage = require('youtube-comment-api')(config)
fetchCommentPage(videoID, pageToken, cb);
Parameter | Meaning |
config | (optional) module coniguration |
videoID | ID of youtube Video |
pageToken | (optional) token of page to be requested |
callback | (optional) callback function |
Promises API
var fetchCommentPage = require('youtube-comment-api')();
fetchCommentPage('{videoID}').then(function (commentPage) {
return commentPage.nextPageToken;
}).then(function (pageToken) {
return fetchCommentPage('{videoID}', pageToken)
}).then(function (commentPage) {
Callback API
var fetchCommentPage = require('youtube-comment-api')();
fetchCommentPage('{videoID}', function (err, commentPage) {
if (err) throw err;
fetchCommentPage('{videoID}', commentPage.nextPageToken, function(err, commentPage) {
if (err) throw err;
Below are the possible configuration options and their default values.
var fetchCommentPage = require('youtube-comment-api')({
includeReplies: true,
includeVideoInfo: true,
fetchRetries: 3,
sessionTimeout: 60 * 30, // 30 minutes
cacheDuration: 60 * 30, // 30 minutes
cacheInterval: 60 * 5 // 5 minutes
Option | Meaning |
includeReplies | Also fetch replies for each comment (default: true) |
includeVideoInfo | Fetch meta information about video (default: true) |
fetchRetries | The number of retries if a fetch fails (default: 3) |
sessionTimeout | Number of seconds after which the acquired session token is discarded and a new one is requested. (default: 30 mins) |
cacheDuration | Number of seconds after which cached video meta info will be discarded (default: 30 mins) |
cacheInterval | Length of the interval in seconds at which the video meta info cache entries are checked and discarded if expired. (default 5 mins) |
pageToken: {{ page token of current page }},
nextPageToken: {{ page token of next page }},
videoCommentCount: {{ number of comments on the video }},
videoTitle: {{ video title }},
videoThumbnail: {{ URL to video Thumbnail }},
comments: [
id: {{ comment ID }},
user: {{ username of author }},
date: {{ how long ago the comment was posted }},
commentText: {{ the comment }},
timestamp: {{ timestamp based on date }},
likes: {{ number of upvotes }},
hasReplies: {{ whether this comment has replies }},
numberOfReplies: {{ number of replies to the comment }},
replies [
{{ ... same fields as comment }}