Welcome to the yt-api a light weight, easy, and super fast way of interacting with the YouTube Data API v3.
To use the api you need a api key from google and you can get that here
Once you have created the api key you need to enable the Youtube Data API v3
by clicking on the libraries tab and clicking on the Youtube Data API v3
then click on enable and your almost done!
Defining the api
const api = require("yt-api").api;
const API = new api("PASTE_API_KEY_HERE");
Getting video info
API.getVideoByID("mj9KRKSvdbk" ).then(i => {
console.log("Here is the url: "+i.url);
}).catch(e => console.error(e));
Searching for a video
API.searchForVideo("H.A.Y ncs").then(i => {
console.log("Here is the url: "+i.url);
}).catch(e => console.error(e));
Searching for multiple videos
API.searchForVideos("H.A.Y ncs").then(i => {
console.log("Here is the first result's video url "+i[0].url)
}).catch(e => console.error(e));