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yuv-canvas - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.10 to 1.2.11


module.exports = {
vertex: "precision lowp float;\n\nattribute vec2 aPosition;\nattribute vec2 aLumaPosition;\nattribute vec2 aChromaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vLumaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vChromaPosition;\nvoid main() {\n gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0, 1);\n vLumaPosition = aLumaPosition;\n vChromaPosition = aChromaPosition;\n}\n",
fragment: "// inspired by\n\nprecision lowp float;\n\nuniform sampler2D uTextureY;\nuniform sampler2D uTextureCb;\nuniform sampler2D uTextureCr;\nvarying vec2 vLumaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vChromaPosition;\nvoid main() {\n // Y, Cb, and Cr planes are uploaded as LUMINANCE textures.\n float fY = texture2D(uTextureY, vLumaPosition).x;\n float fCb = texture2D(uTextureCb, vChromaPosition).x;\n float fCr = texture2D(uTextureCr, vChromaPosition).x;\n\n // Premultipy the Y...\n float fYmul = fY * 1.1643828125;\n\n // And convert that to RGB!\n gl_FragColor = vec4(\n fYmul + 1.59602734375 * fCr - 0.87078515625,\n fYmul - 0.39176171875 * fCb - 0.81296875 * fCr + 0.52959375,\n fYmul + 2.017234375 * fCb - 1.081390625,\n 1\n );\n}\n",
vertexStripe: "precision lowp float;\n\nattribute vec2 aPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTexturePosition;\nvarying vec2 vTexturePosition;\n\nvoid main() {\n gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0, 1);\n vTexturePosition = aTexturePosition;\n}\n",
fragmentStripe: "// extra 'stripe' texture fiddling to work around IE 11's poor performance on gl.LUMINANCE and gl.ALPHA textures\n\nprecision lowp float;\n\nuniform sampler2D uStripe;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nvarying vec2 vTexturePosition;\nvoid main() {\n // Y, Cb, and Cr planes are mapped into a pseudo-RGBA texture\n // so we can upload them without expanding the bytes on IE 11\n // which doesn't allow LUMINANCE or ALPHA textures\n // The stripe textures mark which channel to keep for each pixel.\n // Each texture extraction will contain the relevant value in one\n // channel only.\n\n float fLuminance = dot(\n texture2D(uStripe, vTexturePosition),\n texture2D(uTexture, vTexturePosition)\n );\n\n gl_FragColor = vec4(fLuminance, fLuminance, fLuminance, 1);\n}\n"
vertex: "precision mediump float;\n\nattribute vec2 aPosition;\nattribute vec2 aLumaPosition;\nattribute vec2 aChromaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vLumaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vChromaPosition;\nvoid main() {\n gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0, 1);\n vLumaPosition = aLumaPosition;\n vChromaPosition = aChromaPosition;\n}\n",
fragment: "// inspired by\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform sampler2D uTextureY;\nuniform sampler2D uTextureCb;\nuniform sampler2D uTextureCr;\nvarying vec2 vLumaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vChromaPosition;\nvoid main() {\n // Y, Cb, and Cr planes are uploaded as ALPHA textures.\n float fY = texture2D(uTextureY, vLumaPosition).w;\n float fCb = texture2D(uTextureCb, vChromaPosition).w;\n float fCr = texture2D(uTextureCr, vChromaPosition).w;\n\n // Premultipy the Y...\n float fYmul = fY * 1.1643828125;\n\n // And convert that to RGB!\n gl_FragColor = vec4(\n fYmul + 1.59602734375 * fCr - 0.87078515625,\n fYmul - 0.39176171875 * fCb - 0.81296875 * fCr + 0.52959375,\n fYmul + 2.017234375 * fCb - 1.081390625,\n 1\n );\n}\n",
vertexStripe: "precision mediump float;\n\nattribute vec2 aPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTexturePosition;\nvarying vec2 vTexturePosition;\n\nvoid main() {\n gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0, 1);\n vTexturePosition = aTexturePosition;\n}\n",
fragmentStripe: "// extra 'stripe' texture fiddling to work around IE 11's poor performance on gl.LUMINANCE and gl.ALPHA textures\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform sampler2D uStripe;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nvarying vec2 vTexturePosition;\nvoid main() {\n // Y, Cb, and Cr planes are mapped into a pseudo-RGBA texture\n // so we can upload them without expanding the bytes on IE 11\n // which doesn't allow LUMINANCE or ALPHA textures\n // The stripe textures mark which channel to keep for each pixel.\n // Each texture extraction will contain the relevant value in one\n // channel only.\n\n float fLuminance = dot(\n texture2D(uStripe, vTexturePosition),\n texture2D(uTexture, vTexturePosition)\n );\n\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, fLuminance);\n}\n"
(function(){function r(e,n,t){function o(i,f){if(!n[i]){if(!e[i]){var c="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!f&&c)return c(i,!0);if(u)return u(i,!0);var a=new Error("Cannot find module '"+i+"'");throw a.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",a}var p=n[i]={exports:{}};e[i][0].call(p.exports,function(r){var n=e[i][1][r];return o(n||r)},p,p.exports,r,e,n,t)}return n[i].exports}for(var u="function"==typeof require&&require,i=0;i<t.length;i++)o(t[i]);return o}return r})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){
module.exports = {
vertex: "precision lowp float;\n\nattribute vec2 aPosition;\nattribute vec2 aLumaPosition;\nattribute vec2 aChromaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vLumaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vChromaPosition;\nvoid main() {\n gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0, 1);\n vLumaPosition = aLumaPosition;\n vChromaPosition = aChromaPosition;\n}\n",
fragment: "// inspired by\n\nprecision lowp float;\n\nuniform sampler2D uTextureY;\nuniform sampler2D uTextureCb;\nuniform sampler2D uTextureCr;\nvarying vec2 vLumaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vChromaPosition;\nvoid main() {\n // Y, Cb, and Cr planes are uploaded as LUMINANCE textures.\n float fY = texture2D(uTextureY, vLumaPosition).x;\n float fCb = texture2D(uTextureCb, vChromaPosition).x;\n float fCr = texture2D(uTextureCr, vChromaPosition).x;\n\n // Premultipy the Y...\n float fYmul = fY * 1.1643828125;\n\n // And convert that to RGB!\n gl_FragColor = vec4(\n fYmul + 1.59602734375 * fCr - 0.87078515625,\n fYmul - 0.39176171875 * fCb - 0.81296875 * fCr + 0.52959375,\n fYmul + 2.017234375 * fCb - 1.081390625,\n 1\n );\n}\n",
vertexStripe: "precision lowp float;\n\nattribute vec2 aPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTexturePosition;\nvarying vec2 vTexturePosition;\n\nvoid main() {\n gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0, 1);\n vTexturePosition = aTexturePosition;\n}\n",
fragmentStripe: "// extra 'stripe' texture fiddling to work around IE 11's poor performance on gl.LUMINANCE and gl.ALPHA textures\n\nprecision lowp float;\n\nuniform sampler2D uStripe;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nvarying vec2 vTexturePosition;\nvoid main() {\n // Y, Cb, and Cr planes are mapped into a pseudo-RGBA texture\n // so we can upload them without expanding the bytes on IE 11\n // which doesn't allow LUMINANCE or ALPHA textures\n // The stripe textures mark which channel to keep for each pixel.\n // Each texture extraction will contain the relevant value in one\n // channel only.\n\n float fLuminance = dot(\n texture2D(uStripe, vTexturePosition),\n texture2D(uTexture, vTexturePosition)\n );\n\n gl_FragColor = vec4(fLuminance, fLuminance, fLuminance, 1);\n}\n"
vertex: "precision mediump float;\n\nattribute vec2 aPosition;\nattribute vec2 aLumaPosition;\nattribute vec2 aChromaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vLumaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vChromaPosition;\nvoid main() {\n gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0, 1);\n vLumaPosition = aLumaPosition;\n vChromaPosition = aChromaPosition;\n}\n",
fragment: "// inspired by\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform sampler2D uTextureY;\nuniform sampler2D uTextureCb;\nuniform sampler2D uTextureCr;\nvarying vec2 vLumaPosition;\nvarying vec2 vChromaPosition;\nvoid main() {\n // Y, Cb, and Cr planes are uploaded as ALPHA textures.\n float fY = texture2D(uTextureY, vLumaPosition).w;\n float fCb = texture2D(uTextureCb, vChromaPosition).w;\n float fCr = texture2D(uTextureCr, vChromaPosition).w;\n\n // Premultipy the Y...\n float fYmul = fY * 1.1643828125;\n\n // And convert that to RGB!\n gl_FragColor = vec4(\n fYmul + 1.59602734375 * fCr - 0.87078515625,\n fYmul - 0.39176171875 * fCb - 0.81296875 * fCr + 0.52959375,\n fYmul + 2.017234375 * fCb - 1.081390625,\n 1\n );\n}\n",
vertexStripe: "precision mediump float;\n\nattribute vec2 aPosition;\nattribute vec2 aTexturePosition;\nvarying vec2 vTexturePosition;\n\nvoid main() {\n gl_Position = vec4(aPosition, 0, 1);\n vTexturePosition = aTexturePosition;\n}\n",
fragmentStripe: "// extra 'stripe' texture fiddling to work around IE 11's poor performance on gl.LUMINANCE and gl.ALPHA textures\n\nprecision mediump float;\n\nuniform sampler2D uStripe;\nuniform sampler2D uTexture;\nvarying vec2 vTexturePosition;\nvoid main() {\n // Y, Cb, and Cr planes are mapped into a pseudo-RGBA texture\n // so we can upload them without expanding the bytes on IE 11\n // which doesn't allow LUMINANCE or ALPHA textures\n // The stripe textures mark which channel to keep for each pixel.\n // Each texture extraction will contain the relevant value in one\n // channel only.\n\n float fLuminance = dot(\n texture2D(uStripe, vTexturePosition),\n texture2D(uTexture, vTexturePosition)\n );\n\n gl_FragColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, fLuminance);\n}\n"

@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@

0, // mip level
gl.LUMINANCE, // internal format
gl.ALPHA, // internal format
0, // border
gl.LUMINANCE, // format
gl.ALPHA, // format
gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, //type

@@ -772,3 +772,3 @@ data // data!

gl.LUMINANCE, // internal format
gl.ALPHA, // internal format
gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, //type

@@ -1028,3 +1028,3 @@ data // data!

// can real down at high res. This is partially compensated for by
// improving the upload-vs-update behavior for the luminance textures.
// improving the upload-vs-update behavior for the alpha textures.

@@ -1070,3 +1070,3 @@ // Currently keeping it off as of April 2022, but leaving it in so it

texWidth = WebGLFrameSink.stripe ? (width / 4) : width,
format = WebGLFrameSink.stripe ? gl.RGBA : gl.LUMINANCE,
format = WebGLFrameSink.stripe ? gl.RGBA : gl.ALPHA,
filter = WebGLFrameSink.stripe ? gl.NEAREST : gl.LINEAR;

@@ -1094,3 +1094,3 @@

if (err) {
// Doesn't support luminance textures?
// Doesn't support alpha textures?
return false;

@@ -1097,0 +1097,0 @@ } else {

"name": "yuv-canvas",
"version": "1.2.10",
"version": "1.2.11",
"description": "Utility for drawing YUV image data to HTML5 canvas",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "src/yuv-canvas.js",

@@ -17,2 +17,6 @@ **YUVCanvas draws YUV video frames to an HTML 5 canvas element.**

1.2.11 - 2022-03-04
* perf: further improvements to speed in Safari / macOS using alpha instead of luminance textures
* update shaders from low to medium precision, may fix pixel precision errors on some GPUs
1.2.10 - 2022-03-04

@@ -19,0 +23,0 @@ * perf: fixed over-eager use of texImage2d on non-stripe frame updates

@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ /*

0, // mip level
gl.LUMINANCE, // internal format
gl.ALPHA, // internal format
0, // border
gl.LUMINANCE, // format
gl.ALPHA, // format
gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, //type

@@ -194,3 +194,3 @@ data // data!

gl.LUMINANCE, // internal format
gl.ALPHA, // internal format
gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, //type

@@ -450,3 +450,3 @@ data // data!

// can real down at high res. This is partially compensated for by
// improving the upload-vs-update behavior for the luminance textures.
// improving the upload-vs-update behavior for the alpha textures.

@@ -492,3 +492,3 @@ // Currently keeping it off as of April 2022, but leaving it in so it

texWidth = WebGLFrameSink.stripe ? (width / 4) : width,
format = WebGLFrameSink.stripe ? gl.RGBA : gl.LUMINANCE,
format = WebGLFrameSink.stripe ? gl.RGBA : gl.ALPHA,
filter = WebGLFrameSink.stripe ? gl.NEAREST : gl.LINEAR;

@@ -516,3 +516,3 @@

if (err) {
// Doesn't support luminance textures?
// Doesn't support alpha textures?
return false;

@@ -519,0 +519,0 @@ } else {

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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