zazzy-browser (zzb)
A collection of general-purpose browser utilities used as higher-level building-blocks to create Bootstrap v3 websites and assist in client-server communications.
Zazzy Browser depends on jQuery, lodash and BootstrapDialog.
Include in your html page:
<script src="/zzb.js"></script>
Zazzy Browser gets automatically loaded into the global cache and is referenced via zzb
- zzb.zzNode: tree operations
- zzb.types: data type operations: supplements lodash
- zzb.uuid: uuid functions
- zzb.strings: string functions
- zzb.uib: ui functions for bootsrap
- zzb.forms: form functions
- zzb.dialogs: dialog functions using
- zzb.rob: uniform return object (rob) functions
- zzb.ajax: ajax helpers with promises
- zzb.status: gets status info, such as user, page, role info which has been set prior in sessionStorage otherwise try getting from the server