zazzy-browser (zzb)
A collection of general-purpose browser utilities used as higher-level building-blocks to create Bootstrap v4 websites and assist in client-server communications.
Zazzy Browser depends on jQuery, lodash
Optional is Bootstrap Mobile FullScreen Modal which is CSS only and not javascript. It gives a better look-and-feel to mobile dialogs.
Include in your html page:
<script src="/zzb.js"></script>
Zazzy Browser gets automatically loaded into the global cache and is referenced via zzb
- zzb.zzNode: tree operations
- zzb.types: data type operations: supplements lodash
- zzb.uuid: uuid functions
- zzb.strings: string functions
- zzb.uib: ui functions for bootsrap
- zzb.forms: form functions
- zzb.dialogs: dialog functions built on TBS4 modal with Bootstrap-FS-Modal Mobile styling[Bootstrap Mobile FullScreen Modal]
- zzb.rob: uniform return object (rob) functions
- zzb.ajax: ajax helpers with promises
- zzb.status: gets status info, such as user, page, role info which has been set prior in sessionStorage otherwise try getting from the server
Use gulp to generate javascript distribution files, including the minified version.
$ gulp default
For dialog testing, open test/index-test.html
in a browser. You should see a dialog pop-up.
Mocha tests can be run via npm
$ npm test