Zetzer is a static HTML page generator.
- pages, templates and partials
- doT template engine
- Markdown via marked
- optional JSON headers for metadata
- grunt and broccoli plugins
The name: "Zetzer" ("setzer" in German, "zecer" in Polish) used to be a
profession where a person would manually compose a page for a printing
press by arranging metal fonts on a matrix. Interesting fact: the
zetzer would see the page mirrored left-right while working on it so
they had to master reading in this weird form. English word for it is
probably typesetter.
Zetzer can be used as a library and Grunt or Broccoli
plugin. Specific instructions can be found here:
Main concepts
Zetzer has three main concepts: page, template and a partial. Each of
them can declare a JSON header for any extra info about the
document. Header's metadata is accessible from within the document as
{{= it.field_name }}
. The header is divided from content by one
empty line.
One of special header fields is template
which declares the template
that current document will be wrapped with. A template can be declared
for a page, a partial and even for another template. (Possible
circular wrapping will be detected.)
Based on file's extension, it will be processed by either by doT or
: marked*.html
: doT*.dot.md
: doT & marked
Pages are the starting points of the compilation. For each input
page (either HTML or Markdown) document there will be exactly one
output HTML document.
Templates wrap around the content of a page, partial or
another template. We declare current unit's template by specifying
field in its header. Inside a template, invoking contents
of the wrapped document is made by:
{{= it.document }}
We can access wrapped document's header by naming its fields like:
{{= it.document.title }}
Includes can be invoked by name (extension can be omitted) from any
other partial, page or template:
{{= it.include("navigation") }}
We can pass extra options to the partial that will appear on the it
inside the partial.
{{= it.include("navigation", { option: "value" }) }}
A partial can have a template. This means it will be wrapped in that
template before putting it in the document that requested it.
We can access any partial's header fields by naming it:
{{= it.include("navigation").title }}
Configuration options
pages (broccoli-zetzer only)
Directory where input pages are located. Grunt version uses the
standard files
scheme instead. A tree in Broccoli.
Directory where all the templates are located. A tree in
Broccoli. Defaults to "." in Grunt.
Directory that holds all partials. A tree in Broccoli. Defaults to "."
in Grunt.
Global environment. Fields defined in env
will be visible on every
object inside doT templates. They can be overridden by
file-local headers.
Separator between a header and file contents. By default it's an empty
Settings for the doT template engine.
Please make sure your changes follow the current style and all test
passes. Each new feature and bug fix require new tests. To run the
test suite run npm test
For buildtool-related bugs please take a look at
grunt-zetzer and broccoli-zetzer
If you take a look at any source file you can notice that there's no
dependencies between modules. All dependencies are injected in by the
library consumers (grunt-zetzer and broccoli-zetzer). That's the
place where the integration happens.
Release History
- version 2.0.1 (6th March, 2021) - update some dependencies
- version 2.0.0 (29th July, 2014) - rename to Zetzer and split grunt-specific code to grunt-zetzer
Previous versions as "grunt-stencil":
- version 1.1.0 (1st June, 2014) - apply doT to all HTML files
- version 1.0.2 (10th December, 2013) - Windows compatibility
- version 1.0.1 (24th November, 2013) - fix for new markdown version
- version 1.0.0 (7th October, 2013) - first stable release
- version 0.1.0 (4th October, 2013) - big refactor and change of specification
- version 0.0.3 (19th September, 2013) - fix dependencies in
- version 0.0.2
- version 0.0.1 (16th September, 2013)