Zircon Protocol
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In-depth documentation on this SDK is available at uniswap.org, while basic documentation for Pylon at zircon.finance
Pylon Enhancements
The protocol includes the contracts handling Pylon and its new single-sided liquidity features.
Our architecture works on top of Uniswap v2, enabling the creation of two Pylons per pair, which handle the single-sided liquidity provision. Each Pylon holds both UniV2 LP tokens of its associated pool and a percentage of reserves of both tokens in the pair. Pylon extends on the basic Uniswap Pair ERC-20 token with the Zircon Pool Token, which is an ERC-20 representation for the Float and Anchor Shares.
Our Pylon Router handles all the communication between the user and the Pylon.
Running tests
To run the tests, follow these steps. You must have at least node v10 and yarn installed.
First clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:Zircon-Finance/zircon-protocol.git
Move into the zircon-protocol working directory
cd zircon-sdk/
Install dependencies
yarn compile
Run tests
yarn test