ZKpay Javascript SDK
The official ZKpay Javascript SDK by Space and time labs.
library designed to interact with ZKpay contracts on testnet. It provides methods to buy credit with native tokens and ERC-20 tokens, manage token approvals, and handle authentication.
Installation and Running
To install ZKpay, use npm or yarn:
npm install zkpay
yarn add zkpay
As a package for typescript project
Initiate ZKpay instance:
import { ZKpay, ethers } from "zkpay";
const main = async () => {
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/');
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
const zkpay = new ZKpay(signer, 11155111);
try {
const tx = await zkpay.buyWithNative(20n, '0x3077Bf667dBD81d3c718684Da4DE4Dc8448220E1', 0);
const txReceipt = await tx.wait();
} catch (e) {
console.log("error:", e);
Example in React Project
Here's an example of how to use the ZKpay sdk with ethers v5 lib:
using Ethers v6:
import { ZKpay } from "zkpay";
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum, { name: 'sepolia', chainId: 11155111 });
const zkpay = new ZKpay(provider, 11155111);
await zkpay.buyWithNative(33, '0x3077Bf667dBD81d3c718684Da4DE4Dc8448220E1', 0)
ZKpay sdk also export ethers v6 instance:
import { ZKpay, SupportedChain ,ethers} from "zkpay";
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("YOUR_RPC_URL");
const signer = provider.getSigner();
const chainId: SupportedChain = 11155111;
const zkpay = new ZKpay(signer, chainId);
async function main() {
const tokenContract = await zkpay.getTokenContract("usdc");
console.log("Token contract address:", tokenContract.address);
const buyTx = await zkpay.buyWithNative(BigInt("1000000000000000000"), "0xRecipientAddress");
console.log("buyWithNative transaction:", buyTx);
As a package file for the nodejs
- Install all dependencies
- Generate a node js package
yarn run build
Node js version of the files will be generated to lib
async getZKpayContract(): Promise<ethers.Contract>
Returns an instance of the ZKpay contract.
getTokenAddress(token: TokenName): string
Returns the address of a specified token.
token: The name of the token. Valid names are "usdc"
- getTokenListsWithMetadata
getTokenListsWithMetadata(): TokenMetadataType[]
Returns a list of tokens with their metadata.
async getTokenContract(token: TokenName): Promise<ethers.Contract>
Returns an instance of the specified token's contract.
token: The name of the token.
async buyWithNative(
amountInWei: bigint,
onBehalfOf: string
): Promise<any>
buy compute credit with native tokens (ETH) into the ZKpay contract.
amountInWei: The amount to deposit, in wei.
onBehalfOf: The address on whose behalf the buy is made.
async approve(token: TokenName, amount: bigint): Promise<any>
Approves the ZKpay contract to spend a specified amount of a token.
token: The name of the token.
amount: The amount to approve.
async revokeApprove(token: TokenName): Promise<any>
Revokes the approval for the ZKpay contract to spend a specified token.
token: The name of the token.
async allowance(token: TokenName): Promise<any>
get the allowed amount for the ZKpay contract to spend on specified token.
token: The name of the token.
async buy(
token: TokenName,
amount: bigint,
onBehalfOf: string
): Promise<any>
buy credit with ERC-20 tokens.
token: The name of the token.
amount: The ERC20 amount.
onBehalfOf: The address on whose behalf the buy is made.
To contribute to the development of ZKpay, clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/spaceandtimelabs/zkt-sdk-js.git
cd zkpay
npm install
We welcome contributions to zkt-sdk. Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
ZKpay is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.