zkToken | JS SDK
library designed to interact with zkETH contracts on Ethereum and other supported blockchains. It provides methods to deposit native tokens and ERC-20 tokens, manage token approvals, and handle authentication.
Installation and Running
To install ZkETH, use npm or yarn:
npm install zketh
yarn add zketh
As a package for typescript project
Initiate zketh instance:
import { ZkEth, ethers } from "zkt-sdk";
const main = async () => {
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider('https://ethereum-holesky.publicnode.com');
const signer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
const zkEth = new ZkEth(signer, 17000);
try {
const tx = await zkEth.depositNative(20n, '0x3077Bf667dBD81d3c718684Da4DE4Dc8448220E1', 0);
const txReceipt = await tx.wait();
} catch (e) {
console.log("error:", e);
Example in React Project
Here's an example of how to use the zkt-lib library with ethers v5 lib:
using Ethers v6:
import { ZkEth } from "zkt-sdk";
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum, { name: 'polygon', chainId: 137 });
const zkEth = new ZkEth(provider, 137);
await zkEth.depositNative(33, '0x3077Bf667dBD81d3c718684Da4DE4Dc8448220E1', 0)
zkt-sdk also export ethers v6 instance:
import { ZkEth, SupportedChain ,ethers} from "zketh";
const provider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider("YOUR_RPC_URL");
const signer = provider.getSigner();
const chainId: SupportedChain = 1;
const zkEth = new ZkEth(signer, chainId);
async function main() {
const tokenContract = await zkEth.getTokenContract("usdt");
console.log("Token contract address:", tokenContract.address);
const depositTx = await zkEth.depositNative(BigInt("1000000000000000000"), "0xRecipientAddress");
console.log("Deposit transaction:", depositTx);
As a package file for the nodejs
- Install all dependencies
- Generate a node js package
yarn run build
Node js version of the files will be generated to lib
async getZkETHContract(): Promise<ethers.Contract>
Returns an instance of the zkETH contract.
getTokenAddress(token: TokenName): string
Returns the address of a specified token.
token: The name of the token. Valid names are "usdt", "usdc", "link", "wsteth".
- getTokenListsWithMetadata
getTokenListsWithMetadata(): TokenMetadataType[]
Returns a list of tokens with their metadata.
async getTokenContract(token: TokenName): Promise<ethers.Contract>
Returns an instance of the specified token's contract.
token: The name of the token.
async depositNative(
amountInWei: bigint,
onBehalfOf: string
): Promise<any>
Deposits native tokens (ETH/MATIC) into the zkETH contract.
amountInWei: The amount to deposit, in wei.
onBehalfOf: The address on whose behalf the deposit is made.
async approve(token: TokenName, amount: bigint): Promise<any>
Approves the zkETH contract to spend a specified amount of a token.
token: The name of the token.
amount: The amount to approve.
async revokeApprove(token: TokenName): Promise<any>
Revokes the approval for the zkETH contract to spend a specified token.
token: The name of the token.
async allowance(token: TokenName): Promise<any>
get the allowed amount for the zkETH contract to spend on specified token.
token: The name of the token.
async depositTokens(
token: TokenName,
amount: bigint,
onBehalfOf: string
): Promise<any>
Deposits ERC-20 tokens into the zkETH contract.
token: The name of the token.
amount: The amount to deposit.
onBehalfOf: The address on whose behalf the deposit is made.
To contribute to the development of ZkETH, clone the repository and install the dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/spaceandtimelabs/zkt-sdk-js.git
cd zketh
npm install
We welcome contributions to zkt-sdk. Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.
ZkETH is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.