Higher level (normalized) client for Zookeeper.
Uses https://github.com/yfinkelstein/node-zookeeper as underlying client.
Quick overview:
- normalize function names ( get vs a_get )
- normalize callback signatures to common nodejs callback structures (error, results)
- exists returns true/false via callback (error, exists, stats)
- except for noted above, tries to follow the underlying zookeeper client signature
- create (zkPath, value, flags, onReady)
- exists: (zkPath, watch, onData)
- get: (zkPath, watch, onData)
- getChildren: (zkPath, watch, onData)
- mkdir: (zkPath, onReady)
- set: (zkPath, value, version, onReady)
Quick overview
- wraps SimpleClients
- added: createOrUpdate
- added: createPathIfNotExist
- redefines the signatures of the SimpleClient methods, using an optional options argument
Added methods:
- createOrUpdate: (zkPath, value, options, onReady, extraArg)
Options: { flags, watch }
- createPathIfNotExist: (zkPath, options, onReady)
Redefined methods from SimpleClient
- create: (zkPath, value, options, onReady)
- exists: (zkPath, options, onData)
- get: (zkPath, options, onData)
- getChildren: (zkPath, options, onData)
- mkdir: (zkPath, options, onReady)
- set: (zkPath, value, version, options, onReady)
MIT Licensed
Source is in coffee script, but is delivered as plain .js
Semantic Versioning
Grunt is used for build/development automation