ZoXios Nock
A testing package that returns a nock scope when provided a zoxios request-maker.
- Provide a mock for zoxios http request definitions.
Install peer dependencies
npm i zoxios axios zod
Install zoxios
npm i zoxios-nock
Basic usage
Parsing request's query and response's body.
import { zoxios } from 'zoxios';
import { zoxiosNock } from 'zoxios-nock';
describe('when provided a GET request', () => {
const requestMaker = zoxios('http://google.com')
z.object({ name: z.string(), age: z.number().min(0).max(120) }),
it('should return GET scope', async () => {
const scope = zoxiosNock(getRequestMaker);
const response = await getRequestMaker.exec();
name: expect.any(String),
age: expect.any(Number),