A simple Django app to send SMS messages using an API similar to that of django.core.mail.
Python library for the Karaden API
A small python Package for Zamtel bulk SMS API
A simple and easy to use Python package to send SMS using MSG91 SMS API.
A very simple package to use SMSFactor API to send easily SMS using Python
Python library that helps you send SMS using TextFlow API
Wasiliana USSD and SMS API SDK
Python SDK for Hoiio API. Refer to http://hoiio.readthedocs.org/ for documentation, https://github.com/samwize/hoiiopie for the repository.
The Sainofirst SDK for python provides a python API for Sainofirst communication services.
A Python library for sending SMS via sms.ir API
Python API для сервиса отправки сообщений sms.ru
A Python wrapper for the SMS-Man API
API library for GAuthify.com (Google Authenticator, SMS, email multi factor authentication).
Use our SMS API or Campaign Manager to send messages to all mobile phones globally. Verihubs’ comprehensive API and super network of direct operators makes it quick, easy, and secure.
Najdi.si sms command line tool and API
Python Client Nimba SMS API
FSO metadata access automation. Seamless access to SMS 2.0 APIs in Python.
VakSms API library
A Python library for sending SMS messages using Proovl API
Thaibulksms API for send sms
Plasgate SMS API client
A package to send SMS using Onfon Media API
Client library to send SMS using Altiria SMS API
A package to simplify work with the sms-man API
Python library that helps you send SMS using SMS API Guru API
Python wrapper for Smart SMS API service.
Python 2.7 client library for the Nimvelo/Sipcentric API
Access SMS, GSM and 3G features of Huawei and compatible modems via clean and pragmatic Python API
The `termii_sdk` is a Python package that facilitates seamless integration with the Termii API, empowering developers to send SMS, voice, and email messages within their applications.
The EasySMS is a python wrapper for Easy SMS API. Currently Easy SMS API available as a Heroku add-on Easy SMS only.
Una librería de Python para enviar SMS a través de QvaTel.com
Use online API to send SMS
VumaSMS REST API client for Python. API support for bulk SMS, Numbers, Verify (2FA) and more.
Python package to easy integration with NextSms API for bulksms
Super-fast Twilio SMS response API
Python package for Fast2 Sms API Client
API wrapper for https://semaphore.co/
Send error to telegram group via bot
Infobip OneApi Python library