A Django app for authenticating and authorizing against LDAP
Flask extension to query an openLDAP server
Fake python-ldap functions, objects and methods for use in testing.
A basic ORM around python-ldap, influenced by flask-ldapconn
A Python binding for libldap
A pure-Python ORM-esque LDAP client.
LDAP Authenticator for JupyterHub
LDAP management plugin
Scripts and Python bindings for easy LDAP operations.
Django LDAP authentication for KDL
DEPRECATED: Security store implementation based LDAP
Adds user accounts to groups based on rules defined by the administrator.
A module that makes simple LDAP usage simple.
OpenLDAP OpenCensus Statistics
Easily perform several LDAP operations
A Django web front-end that provides user registration and password reset to an LDAP server.
LDAP authentication for Riberry
LDAP client or proxy to multiple LDAP server
A Python library for interacting with VoxelWorld API
Provides basic authentication using the ldap3 library
A Sentry extension to add an LDAP server as an authentication source.
Ce module permet de d'analyser les données d'LDAP à l'EPFL
LDAP authentication backend for pretix
FrameWork for managing Microsoft Active Directory from LDAP
OpenLDAP schema file parser
LDAP Populate
A strictly RFC 4511 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python server. Same codebase for Python 2, Python3, PyPy and PyPy 3
Allows to use LDAP over SSL authentication
Django LDAP authentication backend
guillotina ldap auth support
ad2openldap is a lighweight Active Directory to Openldap replicator that helps replacing an IAM solution such as Centrify
A collection of Python pomes, penyeach (LDAP module)
A fork from django-ldapdb
LDAP authenticator for Conan C/C++ package manager
Uses AuthN/AuthZ environment variables from Apache mod_authnz_ldap to enforce access controls on Flask apps
Create users from LDAP before they log in
LDAP support for Kinto
Django LDAP Group Mapper
A client library to generate ipset and iptables rules from LDAP records.
The Taiga plugin for ldap authentication
An add-on to the mPCC to enable it to manage an LDAP directory.
Плагин авторизации в radicale под доменными пользователями
Django LDAP authentication backend.
Simple Flask extension to allow authentication with a LDAP server
In-depth ldap enumeration utility
Object Oriented LDAP
LDAP support for Frasco-Users