bivouac - a light-weight, wsgi-compliant MVC web framework in Python
Why bivouac?
bivouac has grown out of my own efforts to build websites in Python with as thin a footprint as I can. bivouac provides a basic MVC framework inspired by Microsoft's MVC 1.0 framework. Expect further ruminations on the topic elsewhere. In the past I suggested I would not support this project, but as I find I rely on bivouac for more of my own websites, I expect to do as much as I can to encourage adoption and support. I think we're on to something good here!
What is bivouac?
bivouac is WSGI compliant and aims to be as webserver-agnostic as it can. Using mod_wsgi or isapi_wsgi, bivouac works well with both Apache and IIS, with NGINX being an untested likelihood. Today bivouac supports authentication and user sessions using MongoDB. Long-term look for this to become more database independent.
Currently, bivouac has a small number of dependencies:
- mod_wsgi or isapi_wsgi
- Paste & Webob
- mongodb
- PyMongo
Basic Usage
bivouac provides classes for MVC routing, controllers, models and views. Here's a quick intro to getting a site up and running using bivouac.
For starters, create a module called app.py, or whatever you've specified as your WSGI entry point. Here we see a simple WSGI entry point with some boiler-plate routing. This will serve most folks needs, so feel free to start with this setup.
import bivouac
application = bivouac.Router()
application.add_route('/', defaults={'controller': 'default', 'action': 'index'})
application.add_route('/{controller}/', defaults={'action': 'index'})
Next you'll need a controller. bivouac looks for controllers within your site directory, typically in the controllers package. Your controller will inherit from bivouac.Controller. Methods decorated with @action will be treated as controller actions and return bivouac views, or any WSGI compliant, iterable structure.
import bivouac
from bivouac.controller import action, noauth
controller = "DefaultController"
class DefaultController(bivouac.Controller):
'''Default Controller.
def __init__(self):
def index(self, req, **vars):
import views.index as View
view = View.IndexView()
return view