A mouse gesture recognition module for Python 2 and 3.
This module is fed a series of XY coordinates (which can come from the mouse or another source) and can recognize when the mouse is moving in one of the eight cardinal/diagonal directions.
These mouse movements can be combined to form "mouse gestures" to perform different commands.
``pip install moosegesture``
Quickstart Guide
Pass a path as sequence of (x, y) tuples to getGesture()
, which will return a list of directions that the path takes. These are the up, down, left, right, and diagonal directions represented by the following strings:
``'U', 'D', 'L', 'R'``
``'UL', 'UR', 'DL', 'DR'``
They are stored in the following constants:
Example usage:
>>> import moosegesture
>>> moosegesture.getGesture([(332, 385), (332, 287), (332, 175), (330, 69), (324, 13), (322, 0)])
MooseGesture can also find the closest matching gesture in a list of gestures, using Levenshtein edit distance:
>>> path = ['D', 'L', 'R']
>>> gestures = [['D', 'L', 'D'], ['D', 'R', 'UR']]
>>> moosegesture.findClosestMatchingGesture(path, gestures)
['D', 'L', 'D']
The same direction will never appear consecutively, i.e. there will never be a "right-left-left" gesture, only "right-left".
Demo Programs
The repo at https://github.com/asweigart/moosegesture contains a tests/demoGestureApp.py
which uses Pygame to display a small window. You can draw gestures in this window by dragging the mouse, and the recognized gesture will appear at the bottom.
The simongesture.py
game is a Simon game that make uses of moosegesture
. It requires Pygame to play.