Alliance Auth - Alumni
- Integration with Alliance Auth's State System, creates and maintains an Alumni State for past members of an Alliance and/or Corporation.
Step 1 - Prepare Auth
Remove/Promote any state with a priority of 1
, Alumni is considered slightly better than the built in Guest State.
Step 2 - Install from pip
pip install aa-alumni
Step 3 - Configure Auth settings
Configure your Auth settings (
) as follows:
- Add
- Add below lines to your settings file:
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['alumni_run_alumni_check_all'] = {
'task': 'alumni.tasks.run_alumni_check_all',
'schedule': crontab(minute=37, hour=3, day_of_week=4),
CELERYBEAT_SCHEDULE['alumni_run_update_all_models'] = {
'task': 'alumni.tasks.update_all_models',
'schedule': crontab(minute=37, hour=3, day_of_week=3),
Step 4 - Update AA's State system
python myauth/ alumni_state
Step 5 - Maintain Alliance Auth
- Run migrations
python migrate
- Gather your staticfiles
python collectstatic
- Restart your project
supervisorctl restart myauth:
Step 6 - Configure Further
In the Admin interface, visit alumni > config > add
or <AUTH-URL>/admin/alumni/config/add/
Select the Alliances and/or Corporations for which characters with historical membership are Alumni
Name | Description | Default |
ALUMNI_CHARACTERCORPORATION_RATELIMIT | Celery Rate Limit per worker, 10 tasks * 10 Workers = 100 tasks/min | '10/m' |
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