aas2openapi - Middleware for Asset Administration Shell and openAPI 3.0

aas2openapi is a middleware for Asset Administration Shell (AAS) and openAPI 3.0. It can be used to transform AAS to openAPI 3.0 objects and vice versa. Moreover, it can be used to generate a CRUD server that allows to access the AAS data via RESTful API with openAPI Specifications.
You can install the package using by running the following command in the terminal:
pip install aas2openapi
Alternatively, you can install the package with poetry for development:
poetry shell
poetry install
Please note that the package is only compatible with Python 3.10 or higher.
Getting started
In the following, we will consider a minimal example to demonstrate the usage of the package. The example is also available in the examples and consists of defining a simple model of an AAS with two submodels, transforming this model and integrating it with the aas2openapi middleware.
Defining a simple AAS
At first, we create a simple data model with the basic building blocks (AAS and Submodel) of aas2openapi:
class BillOfMaterialInfo(models.SubmodelElementCollection):
manufacterer: str
product_type: str
class BillOfMaterial(models.Submodel):
components: typing.List[str]
bill_of_material_info: BillOfMaterialInfo
class ProcessModel(models.Submodel):
processes: typing.List[str]
class Product(models.AAS):
bill_of_material: BillOfMaterial
process_model: typing.Optional[ProcessModel]
The data model consists of a product that has a process model and a bill of material. The process model and the bill of material are submodels that contain a list of processes and components, respectively. To be able to instantiate an AAS, we also create an instance of this data model:
example_product = Product(
processes=["join", "screw"],
id="BOMP1", components=["stator", "rotor", "coil", "bearing"],
manufacterer="Bosch", product_type="A542",
Transforming the AAS to openAPI
Now, we can use aas2openapi
to transform the object to an AAS and serialize it with basyx to JSON:
import aas2openapi
obj_store = aas2openapi.convert_pydantic_model_to_aas(example_product)
import basyx.aas.adapter.json.json_serialization
with open("examples/simple_aas_and_submodels.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file:
basyx.aas.adapter.json.write_aas_json_file(json_file, obj_store)
Of course, we can also transform AAS to python objects, which can be easily transformed to openAPI objects with the middleware:
data_model = aas2openapi.convert_object_store_to_pydantic_models(obj_store)
Using the aasopenapi middleware
The aas2openapi middleware is build with fastAPI and generates therefore automatically a openAPI Specification for provided models. To use the middleware, we can simply input our predefined data models and connect it with running basyx servers. Here, we use instances of the data models that we have defined before and create a CRUD RESTful API for them:
from aas2openapi.middleware import Middleware
middleware = Middleware()
app = middleware.app
We can run this app either from the command line with uvicorn:
uvicorn app:app --reload
Here, it is assumed, that the file you saved is called app.py. If it has a different name, rename the first app. Alternatively, you can also run the app directly with python, by extending the script at the bottom with:
if __name__ == "__main__":
import uvicorn
You can access now the documentation of the REST API with swagger at http://localhost:8000/docs
and the graphql endpoint at http://localhost:8000/graphql
Besides loading the data models from instances, we can also generate it directly from its python type, from a JSON-object or from an AAS. To do so, simply replace the load_pydantic_model_instances
method with load_pydantic_models
to load from types or load_aas_objectstore
to load from an AAS object store or load_json_models
to load from serialized JSON-objects:
However, no examples can be provided when loading from types.
We can either run the middleware now directly with python or make a docker build. In both scenarios, an AAS and Submodel-server need to be running that the middleware can connect to. Each request to the middleware is then translated and forwarded to the AAS and Submodel-server.
The repository already comes with a docker-compose file that can be used to start the AAS and Submodel-server. To start the docker-compose file, run the following command in the terminal:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up
We can now run the middleware script with python and access it at http://localhost:8000/
. Documentation of the generated Rest API is at http://localhost:8000/docs
available by a swaggerUI and the openAPI Specification is available at http://localhost:8000/openapi.json
. You can use the swaggerUI to post some AAS or this exemplary command (with bash console):
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"id_short": "Product1",
"description": "string",
"id": "Product1",
"bill_of_material": {
"id_short": "BOMP1",
"description": "",
"id": "BOMP1",
"semantic_id": "BOMP1_semantic_id",
"components": [
"bill_of_material_info": {
"id_short": "BOMInfoP1",
"description": "",
"semantic_id": "BOMInfoP1_semantic_id",
"manufacterer": "Bosch",
"product_type": "A542"
"process_model": {
"id_short": "PMP1",
"description": "",
"id": "PMP1",
"semantic_id": "PMP1_semantic_id",
"processes": [
If you want to change the adresses and ports of the AAS and Submodel-server, you can do so by adding a .env
file to the root directory of the package. The file should contain speicifications similar to that in the .env.example
file of the package.
Lastly, we can build a docker image of the middleware and run it in a docker-compose as a container. To do so, just adjust the provided Dockerfile and docker-compose.yaml of this package to fit your needs based on the provided example in the file docker_app.py. To build the docker image, run the following command in the terminal:
docker compose build
lastly, we can run the docker-compose file with the following command and start aas2openapi, AAS server and submodel server at the same time:
docker compose up
If you want to start the middleware also with a user interface for the AAS and a mongo db backend for AAS, you can use the following command:
docker compose -f docker-compose-ui.yaml up -d
The user interface is then available at http://localhost:3000/
. After posting some AAS with the middleware (see above), you can add the AAS to the user interface by clicking on the "+" button and entering the AAS id (base64 encoded). The AAS is then available in the user interface.
is a new project and has therefore much room for improvement. Therefore, it would be a pleasure to get feedback or support! If you want to contribute to the package, either create issues on aas2openapis github page for discussing new features or contact me directly via github or email.
The package is licensed under the MIT license.
We extend our sincere thanks to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
(BMWK) for supporting this research project 13IK001ZF “Software-Defined Manufacturing for the
automotive and supplying industry https://www.sdm4fzi.de/.