Access Cmip6
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package can access CMIP6 database in real-time.
- Real-time search and download from continuously updating CMIP6 database
- Find data for any specific items (e.g. model, experiment, variable, frequency, realm)
- Search and download any combination of the above items
- Find the total number of available files and realizations
- Validate your search items
- Get suggestions if necessary
- Access definition of the experiments
- Skips already existing files
Install is as simple as typing -
pip install acccmip6
Requires python v3.5 or up and pip. Mac users can use brew install python3
and python get-pip.py
from terminal. Windows users can use Windows Subsystem
.. _Windows Subsystem
: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10
Installation demo
.. image:: docs/installation_demo.gif
You may also install the package via conda. Make sure you have added the conda-forge channel in your environment. You can add any channel by -
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
Then install acccmip6
from thassan
conda install -c thassan acccmip6
searches the live CMIP6 database and spits out currently available models, experiments and variables that satisfies your search criteria. It will also output the number of available files.
also tries to be a good command-line interface (CLI). Run acccmip6 -h
to see a help message with all the arguments you can pass.
Required Arguments
: Takes output type. 'S' for searching the database or 'D' for downloading from the database.
Optional Arguments
: Model names (multiple comma separated names are allowed)-e
: Experiment names-f
: CMIP6 output frequency (e.g. mon, day etc.)-v
: Variable names-r
: Realm name (e.g. atmos, ocean etc.)-rlzn
: Select a specified realization-c
: 'yes' to use checker when searching or downloading. This helps to find out whether the search items are currently available. If not, it will produce suggestions that matches closely to your search.-desc
: 'yes' to get the description of the experiments searched for-dir
: Download directory-skip
: Skip any item (model/experiment/realizations) from your download-time
: 'yes' to print out all available time periods-yr
: Select data for a time period (number of years)-n
: Select specific data nodes (multiple node selection allowed)-serv
: Set user-defined server-cr
: Select common realizations among selected experiments
Search CMIP6 database with acccmip6 -o S
.. image:: docs/searching_demo.gif
Download CMIP6 data with acccmip6 -o D
.. image:: docs/downloading_demo.gif
This code is licensed under the MIT License
.. _MIT License
: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT