Multi Tenant App for Django
Shared approach multi tenancy system for Django Projects.
Add accrete to installed_apps and accrete.middleware.TenantMiddleware to
Base Model with a ForeignKey to tenant.Tenant and objects set to
Basic Usage
from accrete.models import TenantModel
class MyModel(TenantModel):
Each user can be a member of multiple Tenants, just add them to tenant.members.
This is necessary when using the Mixins and Middleware provided by this app.
This Middleware adds the Tenant(request.tenant) and
Member(request.member) objects as attributes to the request
object and sets a cookie with the tenant_id.
If the user is a member of multiple tenants, the request is parsed for a
tenant_id in this order.
- The "tenant" parameter in the POST data
- The Header X-TENANT-ID
- The "tenant_id" URL Parameter in the GET data
- The "tenant_id" cookie previously set by the Middleware
If no tenant could be assigned the two attributes are set to None.
Additionally, the user is checked for membership of the found tenant.
Adds the tenant to the POST data.
The Middleware must be added
to the MIDDLEWARE setting after your authentication Middleware as it needs
access to request.user.is_authenticated().
Adds tenant and optionally access right checks to the dispatch method.
This Mixin is meant as a substitute to
django.contrib.auth.mixins.LoginRequiredMixin as TenantRequiredMixin inherits
Adds the member_access_groups attribute to the view. This attribute can be a
list of codes from the tenant.models.AccessGroup model. If present, the
member must be part of one of the listed groups to access the view.
Failing checks are handled in a similar way as in LoginRequiredMixin.
Substitute for django.contrib.auth.decorators.login_required
Checks if a tenant is set on the request and redirects to the
TENANT_MISSING_URL specified in the settings.
The decorator itself is wrapped by login_required and can pass the arguments
redirect_field_name and login_url to login_required.
Form class that adds the tenant as a field and filters the queryset of every
field that has a queryset attribute.
Same behaviour as tenant.forms.Form.
Custom settings
Redirect to this URL when no tenant could be set for an authenticated user.
Redirect to this URL when a member tries to access a URL without having the
needed access rights.