What are human readable timedeltas?
ago.py makes customizable human readable timedeltas, for example:
Testing past tense::
Russell commented 1 year, 127 days, 16 hours ago
You replied 1 year, 127 days ago
Testing future tense::
Program will shutdown in 2 days, 3 hours, 27 minutes
Job will run 2 days, 3 hours from now
How to install
There are a number of ways to install this package.
You could run this ad hoc command::
pip install ago
or specify ago under the setup_requires list within your
setuptools-compatible project's setup.py file.
How to use
The ago module comes with three functions:
#. human
#. delta2dict
#. get_delta_from_subject
You really only need to worry about human.
Here are all the available arguments and defaults::
human(subject, precision=2, past_tense='{} ago', future_tense='in {}', abbreviate=False):
a datetime, timedelta, or timestamp (integer/float) object to become human readable
precision (default 2):
the desired amount of unit precision
past_tense (default '{} ago'):
the format string used for a past timedelta
future_tense (default 'in {}'):
the format string used for a future timedelta
abbreviate (default False):
boolean to abbreviate units
Here is an example on how to use human::
from ago import human
from ago import delta2dict
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
pretend this was stored in database
db_date = datetime(year=2010, month=5, day=4, hour=6, minute=54, second=33, microsecond=4000)
to find out how long ago, use the human function
print 'Created ' + human( db_date )
optionally pass a precision
print 'Created ' + human( db_date, 3 )
print 'Created ' + human( db_date, 6 )
We also support future dates and times::
PRESENT = datetime.now()
PAST = PRESENT - timedelta( 492, 58711, 45 ) # days, secs, ms
FUTURE = PRESENT + timedelta( 2, 12447, 963 ) # days, secs, ms
print human( FUTURE )
Example past_tense and future_tense keyword arguments::
output1 = human( PAST,
past_tense = 'titanic sunk {0} ago',
future_tense = 'titanic will sink in {0} from now'
output2 = human( FUTURE,
past_tense = 'titanic sunk {0} ago',
future_tense = 'titanic will sink in {0} from now'
print output1
titanic sunk 1 year, 127 days ago
print output2
titanic will sink in 2 days, 3 hours from now
Need more examples?
You should look at test_ago.py
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