python-animeface is a Python wrapper of AnimeFace, a library to detect
anime character faces in images.
See also the official website of AnimeFace (in Japanese language).
You can install this module with PIP.
pip install animeface
In case a Python binary package (wheel) is not available for your environment,
you need to install libnvxs (the original AnimeFace library) before installing
python-animeface. The source code of libnvxs is included in this repository.
cd third_party/nvxs-1.0.2
sudo make install
>>> import animeface
>>> import PIL.Image
>>> im ='/path/to/image.jpg')
>>> faces = animeface.detect(im)
>>> faces
[<animeface.Face likelihood=1.000000 face=<pos=(295, 90; 182, 182)> skin=<color=(253, 226, 212)> hair=<color=(199, 194, 196)> left_eye=<pos=(408, 134; 34, 42), color=(92, 42, 49)> right_eye=<pos=(316, 137; 55, 48), color=(79, 33, 39)> mouth=<pos=(372, 202; 32, 23)> nose=<pos=(397, 186)> chin=<pos=(377, 242)>>]
>>> fp = faces[0].face.pos
>>> print(fp.x, fp.y, fp.width, fp.height)
295 90 182 182
See animeface/
for the API definitions.
2.0.3 (2024-12-28)
- Fix libnvxs build on modern Mac.
- Add prebuilts for Python 3.13.
- Add prebuilts for ARM Mac.
- Drop prebuilts for Intel Mac.
2.0.2 (2023-12-28)
- No functional changes.
- Add prebuilts for Python 3.11-3.12.
- Drop prebuilts for Python 3.6-3.7.
2.0.0 (2022-04-04)
- The first modern release.
- Include prebuilt libnvxs in wheels.
- Support Python 3.6+.
- Add type annotations.
python-animeface is licenced under Apache License.
The original AnimeFace library is licenced under NYSL.