Various ANSI escape codes, used in moving the cursor in a text console or
rendering coloured text.
Print something in bold yellow on a red background:
>>> from ansi.colour import fg, bg
>>> from ansi.colour.fx import reset
>>> msg = (, fg.yellow, 'Hello world!', reset)
>>> print(''.join(map(str, msg)))
If you like syntactic sugar, you may also do:
>>> from ansi.colour import fg, bg
>>> print('Hello world!')))
Also, 256 RGB colours are supported:
>>> from ansi.colour.rgb import rgb256
>>> from ansi.colour.fx import reset
>>> msg = (rgb256(0xff, 0x80, 0x00), 'hello world', reset)
>>> print(''.join(map(str, msg)))
If you prefer to use American English instead:
>>> from ansi.color import ...
Ansi requires python 3.6 and supports typing.