|pyansys| |pypi| |python| |ci| |MIT| |pre-commit| |black| |isort| |bandit|
.. |pyansys| image::;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAIAAACQkWg2AAABDklEQVQ4jWNgoDfg5mD8vE7q/3bpVyskbW0sMRUwofHD7Dh5OBkZGBgW7/3W2tZpa2tLQEOyOzeEsfumlK2tbVpaGj4N6jIs1lpsDAwMJ278sveMY2BgCA0NFRISwqkhyQ1q/Nyd3zg4OBgYGNjZ2ePi4rB5loGBhZnhxTLJ/9ulv26Q4uVk1NXV/f///////69du4Zdg78lx//t0v+3S88rFISInD59GqIH2esIJ8G9O2/XVwhjzpw5EAam1xkkBJn/bJX+v1365hxxuCAfH9+3b9/+////48cPuNehNsS7cDEzMTAwMMzb+Q2u4dOnT2vWrMHu9ZtzxP9vl/69RVpCkBlZ3N7enoDXBwEAAA+YYitOilMVAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC
.. |pypi| image::
.. |python| image::
.. |MIT| image::
.. |black| image::
.. |isort| image::
.. |pre-commit| image::
.. |bandit| image::
:alt: Security Status
.. |ci| image::
.. |title| image::
.. _EnSight:
PyEnSight is a Python wrapper for EnSight_, the Ansys simulation postprocessor.
It supports Pythonic access to EnSight so that you communicate directly with it
from Python. With PyEnSight, you can perform these essential actions:
- Start a new EnSight session or connect to an existing one.
- Read simulation data from any supported solver output format into the session.
- Generate complex postprocessing results in a Pythonic fashion.
- Visualize the processed data, extract it, or get a widget to embed it in an external app.
Documentation and Issues
Documentation for the latest stable release of PyEnSight is hosted at
PyEnSight documentation <>
In the upper right corner of the documentation's title bar, there is an option for switching from
viewing the documentation for the latest stable release to viewing the documentation for the
development version or previously released versions.
You can also view <>
_ or
download <>
_ the
PyEnSight cheat sheet. This one-page reference provides syntax rules and commands
for using PyEnSight.
On the PyEnSight Issues <>
_ page, you can
create issues to report bugs and request new features. On the
PyEnSight Discussions <>
_ page or the
Discussions <>
_ page on the Ansys Developer portal,
you can post questions, share ideas, and get community feedback.
To reach the project support team, email <>
To use PyEnSight, you must have a locally installed and licensed copy of
Ansys EnSight 2022 R2 or later. The ansys-pyensight-core
package supports
Python 3.9 through Python 3.12 on Windows and Linux.
Two modes of installation are available:
- User installation
- Developer installation
User installation
Install the latest release from `PyPI <>`_
with this command:
.. code::
pip install ansys-pyensight-core
Developer installation
If you plan on doing local development of PyEnSight with GitHub, consider
using a virtual environment <>
To clone PyEnSight and then install it in a virtual environment, run these
.. code::
git clone
cd pyensight
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv # create virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate # (.\venv\Scripts\activate for Windows shell)
pip install .[dev] # install development dependencies
A developer installation allows you to edit ansys-pyensight
files locally.
Any changes that you make are reflected in your setup after restarting the
Python kernel.
To build and install PyEnSight, run these commands:
.. code::
python -m build # build
this will replace the editable install done previously. If you don't want to replace,
switch your virtual environments to test the new install separately.
pip install .[tests] # install test dependencies
pytest # Run the tests
Pre-commit setup
is a multi-language package manager for pre-commit hooks.
To install pre-commit into your git hooks, run this command:
.. code::
pre-commit install
then runs on every commit. Each time you clone a project,
installing pre-commit
should always be the first action that you take.
If you want to manually run all pre-commit hooks on a repository, run this
.. code::
pre-commit run --all-files
A bunch of formatters run on your source files.
To run individual hooks, use this command, where <hook_id>
is obtained from
from the .pre-commit-config.yaml
.. code::
pre-commit run <hook_id>
The first time pre-commit runs on a file, it automatically downloads, installs,
and runs the hook.
Local GitHub actions
Simulating GitHub Actions on your local desktop is recommended. After installing the
act <>
_ package, you can run a job. For
example, this command runs the docs
job defined in the ci_cd.yml
.. code::
act -j docs
Deploy and upload steps must always be ignored. If they are not ignored, before
running a job, add if: ${{ !env.ACT }}
to the workflow step (and commit if required).
You can use this code to start the simplest PyEnSight session:
.. code:: python
from ansys.pyensight.core import LocalLauncher
session = LocalLauncher().start()
data = session.render(1920, 1080, aa=4)
with open("image.png", "wb") as f:
... f.write(data)
Optionally, EnSight can work with an EnSight Docker container using code like this:
.. code:: python
from ansys.pyensight.core import DockerLauncher
launcher = DockerLauncher(data_directory="d:/data", use_dev=True)
session = launcher.start()
data = session.render(1920, 1080, aa=4)
with open("image.png", "wb") as f:
... f.write(data)
In the preceding code, the data_directory
argument specifies the host directory
to map into the container at the mount point, providing access to the data within
the container. This provides a method for EnSight running in the container to access
the host's file system to read or write data. The optional use_dev=True
specifies that the latest development version of EnSight should be used.
Also, PyEnSight can be launched as other PyAnsys products with the launch_ensight
.. code:: python
from ansys.pyensight.core import launch_ensight
session = launch_ensight(use_sos=3)
data = session.render(1920, 1080, aa=4)
with open("image.png", "wb") as f:
... f.write(data)
You will need a locally installed and licensed copy of Ansys to run EnSight, with the
first supported version being Ansys 2022 R2.
Documentation and Issues
Please see the latest release documentation <>
page for more details.
Please feel free to post issues and other questions at PyEnSight Issues <>
_. This is the best place
to post questions and code.
PyEnSight is licensed under the MIT license.
PyEnsight makes no commercial claim over Ansys whatsoever. This library extends the functionality
of Ansys EnSight by adding a remote Python interface to EnSight without changing the core behavior
or license of the original software. The use of interactive control of PyEnSight requires a
legally licensed local copy of Ansys.
For more information on EnSight, see the Ansys Ensight <>
page on the Ansys website.