Apogee Connect for Raspberry Pi
Table of Contents
Apogee Connect for Raspberry Pi is a lightweight script intended for automating the data collection process with Apogee's Bluetooth sensors.
Apogee Connect can be used in two different ways:
As a standalone command line application with straightforward commands for interacting with Apogee's Bluetooth sensors.
As a Python module for those looking to implement the application functionality directly into their own Python script (The method assumes an existing familiarity with Python, virtual environments, and pip).
In order to install, you will need pip (the package installer for Python). Pip is likely already included by default on a Raspberry Pi or if Python was installed from source. You can confirm pip is installed by running the command:
pip --version
If pip isn't already installed, visit the following site for instructions on a simple pip installation:
Command Line Application
- We will use pipx, which is a tool that runs Python modules as a standalone command line application. In terminal, run the following command (It may be necessary to close and restart the terminal after installing pipx for it to be recognized):
sudo apt install pipx
- Install Apogee Connect for Raspberry Pi from the Python Package Index by running the following command in terminal:
pipx install apogee-connect-rpi
- Add the install location to your PATH environment variables so that it can be run from anywhere in the terminal.
pipx ensurepath
- Verify installation by running the following command (It may be necessary to close and restart the terminal first for the changes to take effect):
apogee --version
To update to the latest version, run the following command in terminal:
pipx upgrade apogee-connect-rpi
To uninstall, run the following command in terminal:
pipx uninstall apogee-connect-rpi
Basic Example
Note: apogee
is the command that can be run from the terminal at any location to use the app.
- Scan for nearby Apogee sensors to obtain sensor's MAC address required for connection.
apogee scan
- Start collecting data from the sensor with the MAC address of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF and set a logging interval of 10 minutes.
apogee collect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF --interval 10
- See a list of all currently collecting sensors along with the number of logs currently collected, data file location, start/end time, etc.
apogee list
- Stop data collection from the sensor with the MAC address of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF, but not until the epoch timestamp of 1726247820 (Unix timestamp in seconds).
apogee stop AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF --end 1726247820
apogee command <required_argument> [--optional_arguments (default: value)]
Collect data from an Apogee sensor and write the data to a csv file.
Automatic collection is the default collection mode, which will turn the sensor's logging on and then automatically collect all available data and record it in a csv file. The frequency with which the Raspberry Pi will "wake up" and check for available data from all sensors can be adjusted through the config
If a manual collection mode is needed, add the --manual
flag to the command. The first time this command is used for a sensor, the application will turn the sensor's logging on with the included interval, start/end time, etc. Then, use the collect
command again with the --manual
flag to collect available data from the sensor and add it to the csv file (when collecting data, the --file
argument can be included to store the data in a different file than what was originally set but --interval
, --start
, and --end
will be ignored).
apogee collect D7:52:21:95:5C:6C
apogee collect D7:52:21:95:5C:6C --interval 10 --start 1720647720 --end 1721250915 --file /usr/Documents/greenhouse-data.csv --append
apogee collect D7:52:21:95:5C:6C --interval 10 --file /usr/Documents/greenhouse-data.csv --manual --overwrite
apogee collect <MAC address> [--interval (default: 5)] [--start (default: Now)] [--end (default: Never)] [--file (default: ~/Apogee/apogee_connect_rpi/data/<MAC_ADDRESS>.csv)] [--overwrite] [--append] [--manual]
Argument | Default Value | Usage |
Mac Address | N/A (required) | MAC address of sensor in the format of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF |
-i, --interval | 5 minutes | The interval that sensor will log data (must be a positive integer) |
-s, --start | Now | Start time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds) |
-e, --end | Never | End time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds) |
-f, --file | ~/Apogee/apogee_connect_rpi/data/<MAC_ADDRESS>.csv | File path to write data to csv file. Will create folders and files if they don’t exist. |
-a, --append | False | Add this flag to automatically append to an existing data file. |
-o, --overwrite | False | Add this flag to automatically overwrite an existing data file. |
-m, --manual | N/A | Add this flag for manual data collection mode. |
Change or view the application settings.
apogee config
apogee config --filepath /usr/documents/live-data --precision 4 --temp F --par-filtering True
apogee config --reset
apogee config [--filepath (default: ~/Apogee/apogee_connect_rpi/data/)] [--precision (default: 2)] [--temp (default: C)] [--par-filtering (default: False)] [--collection-frequency (default: 5)]
Argument | Default Value | Usage |
(N/A) | (N/A) | If no optional arguments are provided, the current configuration will be displayed. |
-f, --filepath | ~/Apogee/apogee-connect-rpi/data/ | The default folder to save collected data. Adjust to avoid needing to specify full filepath every time data collection is initiated. |
--p, --precision | 2 | Maximum number of decimal places for collected data. |
-t, --temp | C | Change preferred temperature units. Enter “C” for Celsius and “F” for Fahrenheit (without quotations). |
-pf, --par-filtering | False | Filter negative PAR (PPFD) values to compensate for sensor "noise" in low-light conditions. Enter "True" or "False" (without quotations). |
-cf, --collection-frequency | 5 | Frequency in minutes to check for new data logs and add to .csv data file (This is different than the data logging interval for the sensor). Must be between 5 - 60 minutes. |
-r, --reset | N/A | Add this flag to reset configuration back to default values. |
List all the sensors currently collecting data.
apogee list
apogee list
Scan for nearby Apogee sensors
apogee scan
apogee scan --time 10
apogee scan [--time (default: 5-20)]
Argument | Default Value | Usage |
-t, --time | 5-20 | Number of seconds to scan for Apogee Bluetooth sensors. If not set, scanning will continue until no new sensors are being discovered or a maximum of 20 seconds. |
Stop data collection from an Apogee sensor. Can optionally use the --all
flag to stop data collection from all Apogee sensors instead.
apogee stop D7:52:21:95:5C:6C
apogee stop D7:52:21:95:5C:6C --end 1724428813
apogee stop --all
apogee stop <MAC address> [--end (default: now)]
Argument | Default Value | Usage |
MAC address | N/A (required) | MAC address of sensor in the format of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF (Required unless the '--all' flag is used). |
-e, --end | Now | End time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds). Cannot be used when using the '--all' flag. |
-a, --all | N/A | Stop data collection for all sensors (Can be used instead of the MAC address requirement). |
Transfer data from an Apogee sensor for a desired logging interval. This command is separate from the collect command and is just used to obtain a specific time period or previously logged data.
apogee transfer D7:52:21:95:5C:6C
apogee transfer D7:52:21:95:5C:6C --start 1720647720 --end 1721250915 --file /usr/documents/greenhouse-data.csv --overwrite
apogee transfer <MAC address> [--start (default: Now)] [--end (default: Never)] [--file (default: ~/Apogee/apogee_connect_rpi/data/<MAC_ADDRESS>.csv)] [--append] [--overwrite]
Argument | Default Value | Usage |
MAC address | N/A (required) | MAC address of sensor in the format of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF. |
-s, --start | Now | Start time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds) |
-e, --end | Never | End time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds) |
-f, --file | ~/Apogee/apogee_connect_rpi/data/<MAC_ADDRESS>.csv | File path to write data to csv file. Will create folders and files is they don’t exist. |
-a, --append | N/A | Add this flag to automatically append data to a file if it exists instead of overwriting. |
-o, --overwrite | False | Add this flag to automatically overwrite an existing data file. |
Show current application version
apogee --version
apogee --version
Show help menu for entire application or for specific command, depending on usage
apogee --help
apogee collect --help
Entering just --help
(or -h
) will show a high-level overview of available commands.
Entering a command followed by --help
will show a menu with required and optional arguments.
Any unrecognized command will also print the high-level overview help menu.
Python Module API
- Simply install Apogee Connect for Raspberry Pi from the Python Package Index by running the following command in terminal within an activated virtual environment:
pip install apogee-connect-rpi
To update to the latest version, run the following command in terminal:
pip install apogee-connect-rpi --upgrade
To uninstall, run the following command in terminal:
pip uninstall apogee-connect-rpi
Collect data from an Apogee sensor and write the data to a csv file.
Automatic collection is the default collection mode, which will turn the sensor's logging on and then automatically collect all available data and record it in a csv file. The frequency with which the Raspberry Pi will "wake up" and check for available data from all sensors can be adjusted through the config
If a manual collection mode is needed, set the manual
argument to True
. The first time this function is used for a sensor, the sensor's logging will be turned on with the included interval, start/end time, etc. Then, use the collect
function again with manual=True
to collect available data from the sensor and add it to the csv file (when collecting data, the file
argument can be included to store the data in a different file than what was originally set but interval
, start
, and end
will be ignored).
from apogee_connect_rpi import ApogeeConnect
async def main():
apogee = ApogeeConnect()
await apogee.collect(address="D7:52:21:95:5C:6C", interval=10, file="~/Desktop/greenhouse-data.csv")
Function Signature
The values in the function signature are defaults used if the corresponding arguments are omitted.
async def collect(
interval = 5,
start = 0,
end = 4294967295,
file = '~/Apogee/apogee_connect_rpi/data/<MAC_ADDRESS>.csv',
append = False,
overwrite = False,
manual = False
) -> None
# The values above are defaults used if the corresponding arguments are omitted
Argument | Type | Default Value | Usage |
address | str | N/A (required) | MAC address of sensor in the format of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF |
interval | int | 5 minutes | The interval that sensor will log data (must be a positive integer) |
start | int | Now | Start time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds) |
end | int | Never | End time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds) |
file | str | ~/Apogee/apogee_connect_rpi/data/<MAC_ADDRESS>.csv | File path to write data to CSV file. Will create folders and files if they don’t exist. |
append | bool | False | Set to True to automatically append to an existing data file. |
overwrite | bool | False | Set to True to automatically overwrite an existing data file. |
manual | bool | False | Set to True for manual data collection mode. |
Change or view the application settings. When no arguments are included with the function call, the config
function will return a dictionary of the current configuration parameters.
from apogee_connect_rpi import ApogeeConnect
async def main():
apogee = ApogeeConnect()
await apogee.config(precision=5, filepath="/usr/Documents/GreenhouseData")
updated_config = await apogee.config()
Function Signature
The values in the function signature are defaults used if the corresponding arguments are omitted.
async def config(
precision = 2,
filepath = '~/Apogee/apogee-connect-rpi/data/',
temp = 'C',
par_filtering = False,
collection_frequency = 5,
reset = False
) -> dict
Argument | Type | Default Value | Usage |
precision | int | 2 | Maximum number of decimal places for collected data. |
filepath | str | ~/Apogee/apogee-connect-rpi/data/ | The default folder to save collected data. Adjust to avoid needing to specify full filepath every time data collection is initiated. |
temp | str | C | Change preferred temperature units. Enter “C” for Celsius and “F” for Fahrenheit (without quotations). |
par_filtering | bool | False | Filter negative PAR (PPFD) values to compensate for sensor "noise" in low-light conditions. |
collection_frequency | int | 5 | Frequency in minutes to check for new data logs and add to .csv data file (This is different than the data logging interval for the sensor). Must be between 5 - 60 minutes. |
reset | bool | False | Set to True to reset configuration back to default values. |
The function returns a dictionary where:
- Key: A string of the configuration parameter name
- Value: The current value of the configuration parameter
Retreieve a dictionary of all the sensors currently collecting data.
from apogee_connect_rpi import ApogeeConnect
async def main():
apogee = ApogeeConnect()
collecting_sensors = await apogee.list()
Function Signature
async def list() -> dict
The function returns a dictionary where:
- Key: The unique MAC address of the sensor
- Value: A dictionary containing sensor logging information (see table below)
Sensor Info Key | Value |
interval | int |
start_time | int |
end_time | int |
logs | int |
file | str |
sensorID | int |
collection_mode | str |
last_collection_time | int |
Scan for nearby Apogee sensors and retrieve a dictionary with all discovered sensors.
from apogee_connect_rpi import ApogeeConnect
async def main():
apogee = ApogeeConnect()
discovered_sensors = await apogee.scan(time=10)
Function Signature
The values in the function signature are defaults used if the corresponding arguments are omitted.
async def scan(
time = 20
) -> dict
Argument | Type | Default Value | Usage |
time | int | 5-20 | Number of seconds to scan for Apogee Bluetooth sensors. If not set, scanning will continue until no new sensors are being discovered or a maximum of 20 seconds. |
The function returns a dictionary where:
- Key: The unique MAC address of the sensor
- Value: A custom Apogee Sensor class with attributes specific to the sensor (see table below)
Sensor Attributes | Value |
sensorID | int |
alias | str |
serial | str |
type | str |
Stop data collection from an Apogee sensor. Can optionally set the all
argument to True to stop data collection from all Apogee sensors.
from apogee_connect_rpi import ApogeeConnect
async def main():
apogee = ApogeeConnect()
await apogee.stop(address=D7:52:21:95:5C:6C, end=1726247820)
Function Signature
The values in the function signature are defaults used if the corresponding arguments are omitted.
async def stop(
end = {current_time},
all = False
Argument | Type | Default Value | Usage |
address | str | N/A (required) | MAC address of sensor in the format of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF (Required unless the '--all' flag is used). |
end | int | Now | End time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds). Cannot be used when the 'all' argument is set to True. |
all | bool | False | Stop data collection for all sensors (Can be used instead of the address requirement). |
Transfer data from an Apogee sensor for a desired logging interval. This function is separate from the collect command and is just used to obtain a specific time period or previously logged data.
from apogee_connect_rpi import ApogeeConnect
async def main():
apogee = ApogeeConnect()
await apogee.transfer(address="D7:52:21:95:5C:6C", start=1720647720, end=1726247820)
Function Signature
The values in the function signature are defaults used if the corresponding arguments are omitted.
async def transfer(
start = 0,
end = 4294967295,
file = '~/Apogee/apogee_connect_rpi/data/<MAC_ADDRESS>.csv',
append = False,
overwrite = False
Argument | Type | Default Value | Usage |
address | str | N/A (required) | MAC address of sensor in the format of AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF. |
start | int | Now | Start time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds) |
end | int | Never | End time for data collection using epoch time (Unix timestamp in seconds) |
file | str | ~/Apogee/apogee_connect_rpi/data/<MAC_ADDRESS>.csv | File path to write data to csv file. Will create folders and files is they don’t exist. |
append | bool | False | Set to True to automatically append data to a file if it exists instead of overwriting. |
overwrite | bool | False | Set to True to automatically overwrite an existing data file. |
For more information or additional help, contact Apogee Instruments at: techsupport@apogeeinstruments.com or +1(435)245-8012