Asimov GWData
This package provides an asimov pipeline for collecting published gravitational wave data for use in parameter estimation studies.
Fetching posteriors
To download a posterior file from a known location you'll need to write a YAML configuration file, for example,
- posterior
type: pesummary
location: /home/daniel/GW150914/test.h5
analysis: C01:IMRPhenomXPHM
and then run
$ gwdata --settings test.yaml
where test.yaml
is the configuration file above.
Usage with asimov
The script can also be called as a pipeline in asimov.
To do this you'll need to apply a blueprint to the project, for example:
kind: analysis
name: get-data
pipeline: gwdata
- posterior
event: GW150914
type: pesummary
location: /home/daniel/<event>/test.h5
analysis: C01:IMRPhenomXPHM