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Interfaces with a wide range of cameras to flexibly record visual stream data as images or videos.

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  • PyPI
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A Python library that interfaces with a wide range of cameras to flexibly record visual stream data as images or videos.

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version uv Ruff type-checked: mypy PyPI - License PyPI - Status PyPI - Wheel

Detailed Description

This library provides an interface for efficiently acquiring and saving visual data from cameras in real time. To achieve this, the library internally binds OpenCV and GeniCam backends to grab frames from a wide range of consumer, industrial, and scientific cameras using USB and Gigabit interfaces. To save the acquired frames, the library uses FFMPEG to recruit CPUs or GPUs and supports H264 and H265 codecs. The library abstracts setup, acquisition, and cleanup procedures via a simple API exposed by the VideoSystem interface class, while allowing for extensive configuration of all managed elements. To optimize runtime efficiency, the library uses multithreading and multiprocessing, where appropriate.


  • Supports Windows, Linux, and macOS.
  • Uses OpenCV or GeniCam (Harvesters) to interface with a wide range of consumer, industrial and scientific cameras.
  • Uses FFMPEG to efficiently encode acquired data as videos or images in real time.
  • Highly customizable and can be extensively fine-tuned for quality or throughput.
  • Pure-python API.
  • GPL 3 License.

Table of Contents


  • FFMPEG. Make sure that the installed FFMPEG is available in your system’s path, and Python has permissions to call FFMPEG. We recommend using the latest stable release of FFMPEG, although the minimal requirement is support for H254 and H265 codecs.
  • Harvesters Dependencies if you intend to use Harvesters camera backend. Primarily, this only includes the GenTL Producer CTI, as all other dependencies are installed automatically. If your camera vendor supplies a .cti file for that camera, use that file. Otherwise, we recommend using the MvImpactAcquire. This producer requires licensing for versions at or above 3.0.0, but lower versions seem to function well with all tested hardware. This library has been tested using version 2.9.2.

For users, all other library dependencies are installed automatically by all supported installation methods (see Installation section).

For developers, see the Developers section for information on installing additional development dependencies.



Note, installation from source is highly discouraged for everyone who is not an active project developer. Developers should see the Developers section for more details on installing from source. The instructions below assume you are not a developer.

  1. Download this repository to your local machine using your preferred method, such as Git-cloning. Use one of the stable releases from GitHub.
  2. Unpack the downloaded zip and note the path to the binary wheel (.whl) file contained in the archive.
  3. Run python -m pip install WHEEL_PATH, replacing 'WHEEL_PATH' with the path to the wheel file, to install the wheel into the active python environment.


Use the following command to install the library using pip: pip install ataraxis-video-system.


OS support status

This library was primarily written on and for Linux systems. It is extensively tested on Linux and performs well under all test conditions. It is very likely that Linux users will not experience any issues outside the usual possibility of encountering bugs missed during initial testing.

Windows bindings also work as expected, but require additional setup. Make sure FFMPEG is updated to the latest version, as we found issues using FFMPEG built in 2023, where it drastically slowed the speed of video encoding to the point where VideoSystem could not operate for prolonged periods of time. We also had to disable the OpenCV MSMF HW transformations, as MSMF took a very long time to establish camera connection with this flag enabled. This latter issue is well known to the community.

macOS mostly works as expected except for live frame displaying, which does not work. This is a known issue with the OpenCV backend used to render the frame data. Similar issue is observed for other backends, such as Qt5 and Tkinter that were tested as a potential replacement. Displaying the frames on macOS is disabled until we find a working backend.

Overall, the library in its current state should be stable. Most of the outstanding issues should be resolved in the future with updates to OpenCV and other dependencies.


This is a minimal example of how to use this library. It is also available as a script. This example is intentionally kept minimal, consult API documentation for more details.

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from ataraxis_time import PrecisionTimer
from ataraxis_data_structures import DataLogger

from ataraxis_video_system import VideoSystem, InputPixelFormats

# Since most classes used in this example use multiprocessing, they have to run inside the __main__ guard
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # The directory where to output the recorded frames and the acquisition timestamps
    output_directory = Path("/Users/InfamousOne/Desktop/vid_test")

    # The DataLogger is used to save frame acquisition timestamps to disk. During runtime, it logs frame timestamps as
    # uncompressed NumPy arrays (.npy), and after runtime it can compress log entries into one .npz archive.
    logger = DataLogger(output_directory=output_directory, instance_name="webcam", exist_ok=True)

    # DataLogger uses a parallel process to write log entries to disk. It has to be started before it can save any log
    # entries.

    # The VideoSystem minimally requires an ID and a DataLogger instance. The ID is critical, as it is used to identify
    # the log entries generated by the VideoSystem. For VideoSystems that will be saving frames, output_directory is
    # also required
    vs = VideoSystem(system_id=np.uint8(101), data_logger=logger, output_directory=output_directory)

    # By default, all added cameras are interfaced with using OpenCV backend. Check the API documentation to learn about
    # all available camera configuration options and supported backends. This camera is configured to save frames and to
    # display the live video feed to the user at 25 fps. The display framerate can be the same or lower as the
    # acquisition framerate.
        color=False,  # Acquires images in MONOCHROME mode

    # To save the frames acquired by the system, we need to add a saver. Here, we demonstrate adding a video saver, but
    # you can also use the add_image_saver() method to output frames as images. The default video saver uses CPU and
    # H265 codec to encode frames as an MP4 video.

    # Calling this method arms the video system and starts frame acquisition. However, the frames are not initially
    # saved to disk.

    timer = PrecisionTimer("s")
    timer.delay_noblock(delay=2)  # During this delay, camera frames are displayed to the user but are not saved

    # Begins saving frames to disk as an MP4 video file
    timer.delay_noblock(delay=5)  # Records frames for 5 seconds, generating ~150 frames

    # Frame acquisition can be started and stopped as needed, although all frames will be written to the same output
    # video file. If you intend to cycle frame acquisition, it may be better to use an image saver backend.

    # Stops the VideoSystem runtime and releases all resources

    # Stops the DataLogger and compresses acquired logs into a single .npz archive. This step is required for being
    # able to parse the data with the VideoSystem API

    # Extracts the list of frame timestamps from the compressed log generated above. The extraction function
    # automatically uses VideoSystem ID, DataLogger name, and the output_directory to resolve the archive path.
    timestamps = vs.extract_logged_data()  # Returns a list of timestamps, each is given in microseconds since epoch
    # onset

    # Computes and prints the actual framerate of the camera based on saved frames.
    timestamp_array = np.array(timestamps, dtype=np.uint64)
    time_diffs = np.diff(timestamp_array)
    fps = 1 / (np.mean(time_diffs) / 1e6)

    # You can also check the output directory for the created video.

Image to Video Conversion

Some use cases may require capturing frames with an ImageSaver class, rather than the default VideoSaver. This approach often achieves the highest acquisition rate and data quality as it allows capturing frames with no processing overhead. However, this format is extremely space-inefficient, so it may be desirable to encode captured frames as a video post-runtime, when runtime speed is no longer a critical factor. The VideoSystem supports such conversions via the encode_video_from_images() method:

from ataraxis_data_structures import DataLogger
from ataraxis_video_system import VideoSystem
import numpy as np
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from pathlib import Path

# Initializes the logger, which is not used for anything other than initializing the VideoSystem
output_directory = Path("/home/cybermouse/Desktop/vid_test")
logger = DataLogger(output_directory)

# When the VideoSystem is used to encode images as video, it only needs to be equipped with the VideoSaver.
vs = VideoSystem(system_id=np.uint(1), data_logger=logger)

# The path should point to a folder with png, tiff or jpg files named in a way that allows deducing the sequence they
# were acquired in (e.g: 0001.png). The VideoSystem will then encode the frames as video and output the generated file
# in the output_directory
image_directory = Path("/home/cybermouse/Desktop/vid_test/images")
vs.encode_video_from_images(directory=image_directory, target_fps=15, video_name='test_video')

Data Logging

Like some other Ataraxis libraries, this library relies on the DataLogger class to save frame acquisition timestamps to disk during runtime. The timestamps are serialized and saved as .npy files. It is highly advised to study the documentation for the class before using this library, especially if you want to parse the logged data manually instead of using the method exposed by teh VideoSystem class.

The DataLogger may be shared by multiple Ataraxis classes that generate log entries, such as MicroControllerInterface classes. To support using the same logger class for multiple sources, each source (class) active at the same time has to use a unique byte-ID (system id). These id-codes are used to identify the source class in log files and during further processing.

Log entries format

Each timestamp is logged as a one-dimensional numpy uint8 array (.npy file). Inside the array, the data is organized in the following order:

  1. The uint8 id of the data source. For this library, the source ID is the ID code of the VideoSystem that submits the data to be logged. The ID occupies the first byte of each logged array.
  2. The uint64 timestamp that specifies the number of microseconds relative to the onset timestamp (see below). The timestamp occupies 8 bytes following the ID byte. This is the frame acquisition timestamp.

Note: Timestamps are generated at frame acquisition but are only submitted to the logger when the corresponding frame is saved to disk. Therefore, the timestamps always match the order the saved frames appear in the video file or are saved to disk as image files.

Onset timestamp:

Each VideoSystem that logs its data generates an onset timestamp as part of its start() method runtime. This log entry uses a modified data order and stores the current UTC time, accurate to microseconds. All further log entries for the same source use the timestamp section of their payloads to communicate the number of microseconds elapsed since the onset timestamp acquisition. The onset log entries follow the following order:

  1. The uint8 id of the data source.
  2. The uint64 value 0 that occupies 8 bytes following the source id. This is the only time when the timestamp value of a log entry can be set to 0.
  3. The uint64 value that stores the number of microseconds elapsed since the UTC epoch. This value specifies the current time when the onset timestamp was generated.
Starting and stopping logging

Until the DataLogger is started through its start() method, the log entries will be buffered in the multiprocessing queue, which uses the host-computer’s RAM. To avoid running out of buffer space, make sure the DataLogger's start() method is called before calling the start() method of any VideoSystem class. Once all sources using the same DataLogger have finished their runtime, call the stop() method to end log saving and then call the compress_logs() method to compress all individual .npy entries into an .npz archive. Compressing the logs is required to later parse the frame acquisition timestamps for further analysis (see quickstart).

API Documentation

See the API documentation for the detailed description of the methods and classes exposed by components of this library.


This section provides installation, dependency, and build-system instructions for the developers that want to modify the source code of this library.

Installing the library

The easiest way to ensure you have the most recent development dependencies and library source files is to install the python environment for your OS (see below). All environments used during development are exported as .yml files and as spec.txt files to the envs folder. The environment snapshots were taken on each of the three explicitly supported OS families: Windows 11, OSx Darwin, and GNU Linux.

Note! Since the OSx environment was built for the Darwin platform (Apple Silicon), it may not work on Intel-based Apple devices.

  1. If you do not already have it installed, install tox into the active python environment. The rest of this installation guide relies on the interaction of local tox installation with the configuration files included in with this library.
  2. Download this repository to your local machine using your preferred method, such as git-cloning. If necessary, unpack and move the project directory to the appropriate location on your system.
  3. cd to the root directory of the project using your command line interface of choice. Make sure it contains the tox.ini and pyproject.toml files.
  4. Run tox -e import to automatically import the os-specific development environment included with the source distribution. Alternatively, you can use tox -e create to create the environment from scratch and automatically install the necessary dependencies using pyproject.toml file.
  5. If either step 4 command fails, use tox -e provision to fix a partially installed environment.

Hint: while only the platforms mentioned above were explicitly evaluated, this project will likely work on any common OS but may require additional configuration steps.

Additional Dependencies

In addition to installing the required python packages, separately install the following dependencies:

  1. Python distributions, one for each version that you intend to support. These versions will be installed in-addition to the main Python version installed in the development environment. The easiest way to get tox to work as intended is to have separate python distributions, but using pyenv is a good alternative. This is needed for the 'test' task to work as intended.

Development Automation

This project comes with a fully configured set of automation pipelines implemented using tox. Check tox.ini file for details about available pipelines and their implementation. Alternatively, call tox list from the root directory of the project to see the list of available tasks.

Note! All commits to this project have to successfully complete the tox task before being pushed to GitHub. To minimize the runtime for this task, use tox --parallel.

For more information, you can also see the 'Usage' section of the ataraxis-automation project documentation.

Automation Troubleshooting

Many packages used in 'tox' automation pipelines (uv, mypy, ruff) and 'tox' itself are prone to various failures. In most cases, this is related to their caching behavior. Despite a considerable effort to disable caching behavior known to be problematic, in some cases it cannot or should not be eliminated. If you run into an unintelligible error with any of the automation components, deleting the corresponding .cache (.tox, .ruff_cache, .mypy_cache, etc.) manually or via a cli command is very likely to fix the issue.


We use semantic versioning for this project. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.



This project is licensed under the GPL3 License: see the LICENSE file for details.


  • All Sun lab members for providing the inspiration and comments during the development of this library.
  • The creators of all other projects used in our development automation pipelines see pyproject.toml.



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