Brain4Tech Python Telegram Bot
A simple and lightweight Python Telegram Bot with a small range of functionalities using the Telegram Bot API
Installation with pip: pip install b4t-python-telegram-bot
- the latest Python version
- a bot token from BotFather
Currently supported:
- send and receive messages, images, audio, video animations and documents (silently, and/or in media groups)
- polls, dices, contacts, locations and venues
- chat actions
- inlinebuttons and callback-queries
- keyboardbuttons
- bot-commands
- "single-chat mode": bot is only active in one single chat/group/channel
- "return-on-update-only mode": bot only returns a value when it receives a valid update
- new chat members
- ban, unban or kick members from group-like chats
- restrict members in group-like chats
- get information about chat members
- edit messages
- MarkdownV2-formatting
Future plans:
- forward messages & reply to messages
- get chat-information and set chat-attributes (like photo and description)
- download images, audio, video and documents
- improve Markdown formatting support
- add time delay between requests and use timeout features
- documentation
How it works:
The bot frequently sends a request to the telegram server and gets a response. If there is usable content within the response (i.e. someone send a message to the bot or into a group where the bot is a group member of) it parses the response into a custom datastructure ( = classes, lol) which the programmer gets in return to work with. The structure of the returned class is the same as Telegram sends the response, which means you can get your needed information like you can see here.
Example: I want to know what the content is of the message I just received:
from telegram_bot import TelegramBot
bot = TelegramBot ("<insert your bot_token here>")
response = bot.poll()
if response:
message = response.message.text
Easy! You can also check if your response is a message or (for example) an incoming command or a callback from an inline-keyboard:
[see above]
if response:
if response.isMessage():
# do stuff here
elif response.isCallback():
# do other stuff here
elif response.isBotCommand():
# you know what's coming...
Check the Update-class in telegram_bot/ for more. It's pretty self explaining.
- the codebase is still in development.
- Mistakes and Bugs
can will occur! If you found one, please open an issue :) - This code is FREE to use! YEYY!
About Me:
- software-engineering student from Germany (4th semester)
- 3-4 years of Python experience
- I've been studying the Telegram Bot API for 2 years and released small scripts in my other repository. Unfortunately that coding style is unusable for bigger projects so I decided to create an own little library for future projects and other people who want to learn the Telegram Bot API so they don't need to go through the pain I've been going through.
- beginner at GitHub and publishing code.
- English is obviously not my first language
Feel free to make a pull request and help me making this repository more beginner- and userfriendly!