BigML Sense/Net
Sense/Net is a BigML interface to Tensorflow, which takes a network
specification as a dictionary (read from BigML's JSON model format)
and instantiates a TensorFlow compute graph based on that
Entry Points
The library is meant, in general, to take a BigML model specification
as a JSON document, and an optional map of settings and return a
lightweight wrapper around a tf.keras.Model
based on these
arguments. The wrapper creation function can be found in
Pretrained Networks
Often, BigML trained deepnets will use networks pretrained on
ImageNet either as a starting point for
fine tuning, or as the base layers under a custom set of readout
layers. The weights for these networks are stored in a public s3
bucket and downloaded as needed for training or inference (see the
module). If the pretrained weights are never
needed, no downloading occurs.
By default, these are downloaded to and read from the directory
(which is created if it is not present). To
change the location of this directory, clients can set the environment
Model Instantiation
To instantiate a model, pass the model specification and the dict of
additional, optional settings to models.wrappers.create_model
. For
model = wrappers.create_model(a_dict, settings={'image_path_prefix': 'images/path/'})
Again, a_dict
is typically a downloaded BigML model, read into a
python dictionary via json.load
or similar. You may also pass the
path to a file containing such a model:
model = wrappers.create_model('model.json', settings=None)
A similar function, models.wrappers.create_image_feature_extractor
allows clients to create a model object that returns instead the
outputs of the final global pooling or flattening layer of the image
model, given an image as input:
extractor = create_image_feature_extractor("resnet18", None)
extractor("path/to/image.jpeg").shape # (1, 512)
Note that this only works for networks with at least one image input,
and does not work for bounding box models, as there is no global
pooling or flattening step in those models.
For both create_image_feature_extractor
and create model
can either be None
(the default) or a dict of optional
settings which may contain any of the settings arguments listed below.
Settings Arguments
These arguments can be passed to
to change the input or output behavior
of the model. Note that the settings specific to bounding box models
are ignored if the model is not of the bounding box type.
: For object detection models only, the
minimal score that an object can have and still be surfaced to the
user as part of the output. The default is 0.5, and lower the score
will have the effect of more (possibly spurious) boxes identified in
each input image.
: A string which is one of ['rgb', 'rgba', 'bgr', 'bgra']
. The first three letters give the order of the color
channels (red, blue, and green) in the input tensors that will be
passed to the model. The final presence or absence of an 'a'
indicates that an alpha channel will be present (which will be
ignored). This can be useful to match the color space of the output
model to that provided by another library, such as open CV. Note
that TensorFlow uses RGB ordering by default, and all files read by
TensorFlow are automatically read as RGB files. This argument is
generally only necessary if input_image_format
, and will possibly break predictions if specified
when the input is a file.
: A threshold indicating the amount of overlap boxes
predicting the same class should have before they are considered to
be bounding the same object. The default is 0.5, and lower values
have the effect of eliminating boxes which would otherwise have been
surfaced to the user.
: The maximum number of bounding boxes to return for
each image in bounding box models. The default is 32.
: A string which is one of ['warp', 'pad', 'crop']
If 'warp'
, input images are scaled to the input dimensions
specified in the network, and their aspect ratios are not
preserved. If 'pad'
, the image is resized to the smallest
dimensions such that the image fits into the input dimensions of the
network, then padded with constant pixels either below or to the
right to create an appropriately sized image. For example, if the
input dimensions of the network are 100 x 100, and we attempt to
classify a 300 x 600 image, the image is first rescaled to 50 x 100
(preserving its aspect ratio) then padded on the right to create a
100 x 100 image. If 'crop'
, the image is resized to the smallest
dimension such that the input dimensions fit in the image, then the
image is centrally cropped to make the specified sizes. Using the
sizes in previous example, the image would be rescaled to 100 x 200
(preserving its aspect ratio) then cropped by 50 pixels on the top
and bottom to create a 100 x 100 image.
While these are not the only settings possible, these are the ones
most likely to be useful to clients; other settings are typically only
useful for very specific client applications.
Model Formats and Conversion
The canonical format for sensenet models is the JSON format
downloadable from BigML. However, as the JSON is fairly heavyweight,
time-consuming to parse, and not consumable from certain locations,
SenseNet offers a conversion utility,
, which takes the JSON format as
input and can output the following formats:
will export the model in the Tensorflow lite format, which
allows lightweight prediction on mobile devices.
exports the model to the format read by Tensorflow JS to do
predictions in the browser and server-side in node.js. The library
needed to do this export, tensorflowjs
, is not available in all
architectures, so this feature may not always work.
exports the model to a (proprietary) lightweight wrapper
around the TensorFlow SavedModel format. The generated file is a
concatenation of the files in the SavedModel directory, with some
additional information written to the assets
sub-directory. If
this file is passed to create_model
, the bundle is extracted to a
temporary directory, the model instantiated, and the temporary files
deleted. To extract the bundle without instantiating the model, see
the functions in sensenet.models.bundle
exports the model weights only to the Keras h5 model format
(i.e., via use of the TensorFlow function
) To use these, you'd instantiate the
model from JSON and load the weights separately using the
corresponding TensorFlow load_weights
Once instantiated, you can use the model to make predictions by using
the returned model as a function, like so:
prediction = model([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
The input point or points must be a list (or nested list) containing
the input data for each point, in the order implied by
. Categorical and image variables should be
passed as strings, where the image is either a path to the image on
disk, or the raw compressed image bytes.
For classification or regression models, the function returns a numpy
array where each row is the model's prediction for each input point.
For classification models, there will be a probability for each class
in each row. For regression models, each row will contain only a
single entry.
For object detection models, the input should always be a single image
(again, either as a file path, compressed byte string, or an array of
pixel values, depending on the settings map, and the result will be
list of detected boxes, each one represented as a dictionary. For
In [5]: model('pizza_people.jpg')
[{'box': [16, 317, 283, 414], 'label': 'pizza', 'score': 0.9726969599723816},
{'box': [323, 274, 414, 332], 'label': 'pizza', 'score': 0.7364346981048584},
{'box': [158, 29, 400, 327], 'label': 'person', 'score': 0.6204285025596619},
{'box': [15, 34, 283, 336], 'label': 'person', 'score': 0.5346986055374146},
{'box': [311, 23, 416, 255], 'label': 'person', 'score': 0.41961848735809326}]
The box
array contains the coordinates of the detected box, as x1, y1, x2, y2
, where those coordinates represent the upper-left and
lower-right corners of each bounding box, in a coordinate system with
(0, 0) at the upper-left of the input image. The score
is the rough
probability that the object has been correctly identified, and the
is the detected class of the object.