Build by Input Some Easy ASP from User.
Helps the exploration of formal structures by using ASP as a DSL for drawing graphs.
For a Graphical User Interface, see the biseau-gui package.
For the initial version of biseau published in the
FCA4AI'18 workshop at IJCAI,
see the archived repository biseau-initial
Now, you may want to read about:
Export as standalone script
Currently under development.
See user documentation for details,
but in short, you need clingo,
graphviz and make install-deps
Biseau and its gui are packaged, so if you already have clingo and graphviz, you should be good with:
pip install biseau biseau-gui
See user documentation for details.
See Makefile
for various recipes.
Running biseau can be done using the following commands:
python -m biseau gui # run the Graphical User Interface (if biseau-gui is installed)
python -m biseau # run the Command Line Interface
python -m biseau --help # get help for the CLI
Bomb attack error
To save you from some kind of attacks, Pillow may prevent you to create large images. To fix that, you can use something like:
from PIL import Image
Image.MAX_IMAGE_PIXELS = 20000 # or None, if you are feeling adventurous