Scrape and build e-books from various websites
bookscrape kissmanga Akira 1-2 --output_dir=/Users/bookscrape/Documents/
The above command will download the volumes 1
and 2
from the Akira
manga on the kissmanga
website and save the pdfs files containing the extracted images to /Users/bookscrape/Documents/
bookscrape --help
usage: bookscrape [-h] [--verbose] {kissmanga,readcomiconline} slug [volume_start-volume_end] output_dir
Download a book volume identified by its slug from the given provider
positional arguments:
{kissmanga,readcomiconline} The provider to use
slug The slug of the book to download
[volume_start-volume_end] The range of volume(s) of the book to download
output_dir The full path of the directory to place the downloaded files
Supported providers
pip install bookscrape