Getting currencies and differencies from CBAR
## How to install
1. Install pip package
pip install Django-cbar-currency
2. Configure directory for file
In file set a directory
CBAR_CURRENCY_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'media', 'cbar')
## How to import
from cbar_currency import Currency
## Functions
1. Currency.cron_script()
This function gets currency list with their values, differences and right them to file
2. Currency.get_list()
This function reads currency file and returns all currencies with their values and differencies as list
3. Currency.get_specific_currencies(currencyList)
This function returns specific currencies list which you give
You should give currency names as list, for example ['USD', 'EUR', 'RUB']
4. Currency.get_currencies_by_priority(currencyList)
This function returns all currencies list but currencies which you give will stay at the top of the list
You should give currency names as list, for example ['USD', 'EUR', 'RUB']
5. Currency.get_list_from_cbar(date)
This function returns all currencies list without differencies for the specific date