cb-util 2.2.40
Couchbase Utilities
Couchbase connection manager. Simplifies connecting to a Couchbase cluster and performing data and management operations.
$ pip install cbcmgr
API Usage
Original syntax (package is backwards compatible):
>>> from cbcmgr.cb_connect import CBConnect
>>> from cbcmgr.cb_management import CBManager
>>> bucket = scope = collection = "test"
>>> dbm = CBManager("", "Administrator", "password", ssl=False).connect()
>>> dbm.create_bucket(bucket)
>>> dbm.create_scope(scope)
>>> dbm.create_collection(collection)
>>> dbc = CBConnect("", "Administrator", "password", ssl=False).connect(bucket, scope, collection)
>>> result = dbc.cb_upsert("test::1", {"data": 1})
>>> result = dbc.cb_get("test::1")
>>> print(result)
{'data': 1}
New Operator syntax:
keyspace = "test.test.test"
db = CBOperation(hostname, "Administrator", "password", ssl=False, quota=128, create=True).connect(keyspace)
db.put_doc(col_a.collection, "test::1", document)
d = db.get_doc(col_a.collection, "test::1")
assert d == document
db.index_by_query("select data from test.test.test")
r = db.run_query(col_a.cluster, "select data from test.test.test")
assert r[0]['data'] == 'data'
Thread Pool Syntax:
pool = CBPool(hostname, "Administrator", "password", ssl=False, quota=128, create=True)
pool.dispatch(keyspace, Operation.WRITE, f"test::1", document)
Async Pool Syntax
pool = CBPoolAsync(hostname, "Administrator", "password", ssl=False, quota=128, create=True)
await pool.connect(keyspace)
await pool.join()
CLI Utilities
Load 1,000 records of data using the default schema:
$ cbcutil load --host couchbase.example.com --count 1000 --schema default
Load data from a test file:
$ cat data/data_file.txt | cbcutil load --host couchbase.example.com -b bucket
Export data from a bucket to CSV (default output file location is $HOME)
$ cbcutil export csv --host couchbase.example.com -i -b sample_app
Export data as JSON and load that data into another cluster
$ cbcutil export json --host source -i -O -q -b bucket | cbcutil load --host destination -b bucket
Get a document from a bucket using the key:
$ cbcutil get --host couchbase.example.com -b employees -k employees:1
List information about a Couchbase cluster:
$ cbcutil list --host couchbase.example.com -u developer -p password
List detailed information about a Couchbase cluster including health information:
$ cbcutil list --host couchbase.example.com --ping -u developer -p password
Replicate buckets, indexes and users from self-managed cluster to Capella (and filter buckets beginning with "test" and users with usernames beginning with "dev"):
cbcutil replicate source --host --filter 'bucket:test.*' --filter 'user:dev.*' | cbcutil replicate target --host cb.abcdefg.cloud.couchbase.com -p "Password123#" --project dev-project --db testdb
List available schemas:
$ cbcutil schema
Randomizer tokens
Note: Except for the US States the random data generated may not be valid. For example the first four digits of the random credit card may not represent a valid financial institution. The intent is to simulate real data. Any similarities to real data is purely coincidental.
Token | Description |
date_time | Data/time string in form %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S |
rand_credit_card | Random credit card format number |
rand_ssn | Random US Social Security format number |
rand_four | Random four digits |
rand_account | Random 10 digit number |
rand_id | Random 16 digit number |
rand_zip_code | Random US Zip Code format number |
rand_dollar | Random dollar amount |
rand_hash | Random 16 character alphanumeric string |
rand_address | Random street address |
rand_city | Random city name |
rand_state | Random US State name |
rand_first | Random first name |
rand_last | Random last name |
rand_nickname | Random string with a concatenated first initial and last name |
rand_email | Random email address |
rand_username | Random username created from a name and numbers |
rand_phone | Random US style phone number |
rand_bool | Random boolean value |
rand_year | Random year from 1920 to present |
rand_month | Random month number |
rand_day | Random day number |
rand_date_1 | Near term random date with slash notation |
rand_date_2 | Near term random date with dash notation |
rand_date_3 | Near term random date with spaces |
rand_dob_1 | Date of Birth with slash notation |
rand_dob_2 | Date of Birth with dash notation |
rand_dob_3 | Date of Birth with spaces |
rand_image | Random 128x128 pixel JPEG image |
Usage: cbcutil command options
Command | Description |
load | Load data |
get | Get data |
list | List cluster information |
export | Export data |
import | Import via plugin |
clean | Remove buckets |
schema | Schema management options |
replicate | Replicate configuration |
Option | Description |
-u USER, --user USER | User Name |
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD | User Password |
-h HOST, --host HOST | Cluster Node or Domain Name |
-b BUCKET, --bucket BUCKET | Bucket name |
-s SCOPE, --scope SCOPE | Scope name |
-c COLLECTION, --collection COLLECTION | Collection name |
-k KEY, --key KEY | Key name or pattern |
-d DATA, --data DATA | Data to import |
-F FILTER, --filter FILTER | Filter expression (i.e. bucket:regex, user:regex, etc.) |
--project PROJECT | Capella project name |
--db DATABASE | Capella database name |
-q, --quiet | Quiet mode (only necessary output) |
-O, --stdout | Output exported data to the terminal |
-i, --index | Create a primary index for export operations (if not present) |
--tls | Enable SSL (default) |
-e, --external | Use external network for clusters with an external network |
--schema SCHEMA | Schema name |
--count COUNT | Record Count |
--file FILE | File mode schema JSON file |
--id ID | ID field (for file mode) |
--directory DIRECTORY | Directory for export operations |
--defer | Creates an index as deferred |
-P PLUGIN | Import plugin |
-V PLUGIN_VARIABLE | Pass variable in form key=value to plugin |
Database Commands:
Command | Description |
create | Create SGW database (connect to CBS Bucket) |
delete | Delete a database |
sync | Manage Sync Function for database |
resync | Reprocess documents with sync function |
list | List database |
dump | Dump synced document details |
User Commands:
Command | Description |
create | Create users |
delete | Delete user |
list | List users |
map | Create users based on document field |
Database parameters:
Parameter | Description |
-b, --bucket | Bucket |
-n, --name | Database name |
-f, --function | Sync Function file |
-r, --replicas | Number of replicas |
-g, --get | Display current Sync Function |
User parameters:
Parameter | Description |
-n, --name | Database name |
-U, --sguser | Sync Gateway user name |
-P, --sgpass | Sync Gateway user password |
-d, --dbhost | Couchbase server connect name or IP (for map command) |
-l, --dblogin | Couchbase server credentials in form user:password |
-f, --field | Document field to map |
-k, --keyspace | Keyspace with documents for map |
-a, --all | List all users |
Create Sync Gateway database "sgwdb" that is connected to bucket "demo":
sgwutil database create -h hostname -n sgwdb -b demo
Get information about database "sgwdb":
sgwutil database list -h hostname -n sgwdb
Display information about documents in the database including the latest channel assignment:
sgwutil database dump -h hostname -n sgwdb
Create a Sync Gateway database user:
sgwutil user create -h hostname -n sgwdb --sguser sgwuser --sgpass "password"
Display user details:
sgwutil user list -h hostname -n sgwdb --sguser sgwuser
List all database users:
sgwutil user list -h hostname -n sgwdb -a
Create users in database "sgwdb" based on the unique values for document value "field_name" in keyspace "demo":
sgwutil user map -h sgwhost -d cbshost -f field_name -k demo -n sgwdb
Add Sync Function:
sgwutil database sync -h hostname -n sgwdb -f /home/user/demo.js
Display Sync Function:
sgwutil database sync -h hostname -n sgwdb -g
Delete user:
sgwutil user delete -h hostname -n sgwdb --sguser sgwuser
Delete database "sgwdb":
sgwutil database delete -h hostname -n sgwdb
Note: Save Capella v4 token file as $HOME/.capella/default-api-key-token.txt
Create Capella cluster:
caputil cluster create --project project-name --name testdb --region us-east-1
Update Capella cluster (to add services):
caputil cluster update --project pytest-name --name testdb --services search,analytics,eventing
Delete Capella cluster:
caputil cluster delete --project project-name --name testdb --region us-east-1
Create bucket:
caputil bucket create --project project-name --db testdb --name test-bucket
Change database user password:
caputil user password --project pytest-name --db testdb --name Administrator