This is library to create a CDKTF construct for terraform-backend-surreal. This library vends a single construct, SurrealBackend
, which extends the default HttpBackend
construct to make instantiation of this easier.
import { TerraformStack } from "cdktf";
import { SurrealBackend } from '@awlsring/cdktf-surreal-backend';
export class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
constructor(scope: Construct, name: string, props: MyStackProps) {
super(scope, name);
const backend = new SurrealBackend(this, 'Backend', {
address: 'https://localhost:8032',
project: "homelab",
stack: "infra",
username: "terraform",
password: "alligator3",
... // other stuff
Construct Properties:
- address: The address your backend sever is reachable at.
- project: The project name to use for this stack.
- stack: The stack name to use for this stack. stacks names must be unique across a project.
- username: The username to use for authentication, configured in the server's config.yaml file
- password: The password to use for authentication, configured in the server's config.yaml file