Console Translator
pip3 install cli_translate --user
Quick translation for text in clipboard
Ability for replace text in clipboard with translation
Ability for output with notify-send (useful with hotkey binding)
Store all translated texts in sqlite database
Google or Yandex translation clients
Configure Yandex Api key
The usage yandex translator require following steps
Usage Examples
itrans -to es
Clipboard text will be translated
itrans -to fr "Some text"
"Some text" will be translated
itrans -to en -i
Interactive text input mode
itrans -to en -p
Clipboard text will be translated and replaced with translation
itrans --help
See All available options
Tips and Tricks
register bash/zsh aliases with most useful options; example `alias et="itrans -to en -p -o -c yandex"
save translation to file itrans [options] > file.txt
translate text from file itrans [options] "$(cat /path/to_file.txt)"
pipe result to another itrans --raw "Hello World"|cowsay
This utility is for personal use, not automated translations.
The volume of translated text lenght is limited per-request