.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/collective/collective.quickupload.png?branch=master
:target: https://travis-ci.org/collective/collective.quickupload
Plone Quick Upload
This product offers a multiple files upload tool for Plone, with multi
selection, drag and drop, and progress bar. A pure javacript tool is used on
client side, with html5 file fields and ajax upload for modern browsers, and a
graceful fallback for other browsers. You can also choose to replace the
javascript with jquery.uploadify, a flashupload based script which could be
interesting in rare situations (Plone site for MSIE client's browsers only,
without http authentication in front, and no https).
To install it in your buildout, just add 'collective.quickupload' to your egg
list, then::
$ bin/buildout
To install it in Plone, use the Addons control panel, select
"Plone Quick Upload" Product and install it.
To see it in action, just assign the Quick Upload portlet somewhere in your
site and test it.
This package contains:
A simple ajax view that can be called by any plone template.
This view is using a javascript multiple upload tool based on fileuploader.js
(a fork with many ameliorations of
http://valums.com/ajax-upload/) OR jquery.uploadify.js (based on flashupload,
see also collective.uploadify plone product from which some parts of code
have been taken)
By default the javascript only method is used : the fileuploader.js is a pure
ajax file uploader which uses html5 multiple file fields and ajax upload post
method. It's not a jquery plugin. For modern browsers like FireFox 3.6+,
Chrome, or Safari 4+, it offers drag and drop, multi-selection, and progress
bar during upload. For other browsers (IE7, IE8, ...), the script offers a
graceful hidden iframe upload fall back.
Flashupload (jquery.uploadify) is more user friendly under MSIE, but has
some "big" problems:
cannot be used behind any kind of http authentication
(basic authentication, windowsNT authentication, ...)
cannot be used through https
not open source
the webmaster has the choice between these 2 solutions (see control panel
the upload form can be viewed only with permission CMF.AddPortalContent on
the upload form can be viewed only for objects providing
IQuickUploadCapable, by default ATFolder, ATBTreeFolder and Plone Site are
implementing IQuickUploadCapable
the quickupload form allows to fill title and description for each uploaded
file (see control panel below)
the quickupload view log and returns errors to the form (unauthorized, id
always exist, type not allowed, etc ... )
the view can use some attributes set in session or request:
force mediatype (could be None, image, video, audio, or something like
this '.pdf;.doc;')
if a mediatype is set in request :
with fileuploader.js an error is raised in the form when a file
content-type selected is not correct.
- with Flashupload, only choosed content types are shown in selection
window, with a specific message "select images", "select video files"
force portal_type
if portal_type is not set in request, content_type_registry is used to
find the good portal_type, otherwise the "File" portal_type will be
a basic Plone Control panel with some options:
use flashupload (yes/no), default = no
fill file's titles in form (yes/no), default = yes
fill file's descriptions in form (yes/no), default = no
automatic upload on select (yes/no), default=no
max size limit for each file in KB (default= 0 = no limit)
simultaneous uploads limit (default=2, 0 = no limit)
- doctests for control panel, portlet, and quick_upload view
- Plone 4.3
- Plone 4.2
- Plone 4.1
Plone 4.0 support stopped with 1.6.0, Plone 3.3.x support stopped with 1.0.3.
About fileuploader.js fork
These ameliorations have been done:
queue uploads
graphic progress bar
simultaneous upload limit
can send all files in a second time, after multiple selections, and after
different actions on form.
can add new fields using a new method (onAfterSelect), associated to each file
debugMode and debugConsole
css improvements
How To
How to add the quickupload view in my own template or viewlet?
Just look the quickupload portlet code, it's really easy.
You can also take a look at collective.plonefinder product
which requires collective.quickupload.
How to set by code types where upload is allowed ?
You include minimal.zcml only, adding to your product configure.zcml::
<exclude package="collective.quickupload" file="configure.zcml" />
<include package="collective.quickupload" file="minimal.zcml" />
And you implement IUploadCapable on types you want::
<class class=".content.EPRIVR_Documents.EPRIVR_Domain">
<implements interface="collective.quickupload.browser.interfaces.IQuickUploadCapable" />
How to exclude upload on some types ?
If a type implements IQuickUploadNotCapable, portlet will never be shown on it.
Add to your zcml::
<class class=".content.MyContent">
<implements interface="collective.quickupload.browser.interfaces.IQuickUploadNotCapable" />
javascript client tests
unit tests for upload methods
fileuploader.js refactorisation using jquery
add tests for upload viewlet
pep8/code cleanup
set default values to show upload button after install
WTF confusing docs?
Please file all tickets to issue page on github
More Information
Jean-mat Grimaldi http://macadames.wordpress.com
Thanks to :
- Adrew Valumns (for original fileuploader.js),
- Ramon Bartl (for some parts of code taken in collective.uploadify Plone product),
- Ronnie Garcia, Travis Nickels (for jquery.uploadify.js)
- Gilles Lenfant David Pack and Christophe Combelles, Alter Way Solutions,
for functional tests, ideas, and moral support.
- Maik Roeder, for functional tests
- Thomas Desvenain, current maintainer
- Daniel Widerin
- Wolfgang Thomas
1.11.1 (2019-02-12)
Decode htmlentities in error messages used in alert(). [deiferni]
Extend the uninstall profile.
Fix UnicodeDecodeError when updating a existing file with special characters in the filename
1.11.0 (2017-03-13)
Allow custom error messages. [jone]
Fix umlauts in error messages. [jone]
Drop support for Plone 4.1, because buildout does no longer support Python 2.6. [jone]
1.10.0 (2016-12-07)
- Fix inconsistent 'object_unique_id' default configuration value.
Also use 'False' as default value for a fresh installation to be consistent with
the upgrade step and the form default value.
1.9.0 (2016-11-10)
Always abort the transaction when the file-upload fails with an error.
This prevents constructing partial files when a file-factory or
a file-updater fails after creating the content object.
Updated Dutch translations.
Fixed a Bug with jQuery 1.9+ in quickuploadportlet.py which prevents portlet
to be rendered. Added a try catch clause. [loechel]
1.8.2 (2015-11-13)
- Add controlpanel option "Use id as title" to not prettify
the title but use the id ('my-file.jpg' instead of 'my file')
1.8.1 (2015-11-11)
Also render the portlet when viewing a default page.
Fixes #34.
Updated Dutch translations.
Added unittest2 to test requirements on Python 2.6.
Set content type to application/json. text/html fails with plone.protect
3.0.11 (and is wrong anyway).
1.8.0 (2015-09-30)
- Add property 'Choose unique file id'.
In addition to the 'Override by upload file' it is possible
to use unique file ids. The advantage of this is, that you
can upload files without overriding them and without an
error if the file already exists
1.7.0 (2015-07-28)
1.6.6 (2014-12-09)
jQuery 1.9 compatible
Reimplement 'copy' dopEffect for Chrome, Safari and Firefox. IE always shows
a 'move' dropEffect.
Check issue (https://github.com/collective/collective.quickupload/pull/47)
for more details.
Fix file size check that occurs for uploads without the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH
request header set.
1.6.5 (2014-07-04)
- Use same function to detect mimetypes in flash & quick upload.
1.6.4 (2014-06-03)
Register QuickUploadViewlet for all skins.
Make sure IObjectModifiedEvent is notified for uploaded Dexterity objects, as
happens already with Archetypes.
1.6.3 (2014-02-26)
Render CSS resources as links instead of imports for better performance.
More complete uninstall profile.
Fix deprecated zope.app.cache import.
Fix IQuickUploadCapable uses in browser/configure.zcml to avoid to raise warning.
i18n fixes.
Add an upgrade step to add property 'Override by upload file'.
This fixes configuration panel after 1.6.1.
1.6.2 (2013-12-02)
- Add missing semicolon at the end of helpers.js.
1.6.1 (2013-10-18)
Use the classify function of the MimetypeRegistry because it is more robust.
Enable DnD upload for IE > 9.
Include fixing fileupload.js for IE 10
Add dutch translations
Add setting property, it's 'Override by upload file'
If the folder already has same file name,
Checked: Override, Non-Checked: raise upload error.
1.6.0 (2013-07-18)
Added plone domain and translations
Updated catalog gettext and translations
Added more improvements about i18n
Added more i18ndude options into bash scrit
Move completly to plone.app.testing instead of mixed collective.testcaselayer
and PloneTestCase usage.
Restructure buildout
Handle HTTP status code 500 explicitly.
Fixed creation of dexterity-content
(regression sneaked in via d2bf4ff)
Dexterity integration
Added viewlet as alternative to portlet for uploading
Czech translation
1.5.8 (2013-01-25)
1.5.7 (2012-12-21)
Ensure new document is not generated when a document with same id exists.
(Fix: feature of 1.5 release didn't work when filename had characters not normalized)
Removed trailing comma.
[Julian Infanger]
Fix: if auto version policy is selected for content type,
a version is saved when we replace a file using quickupload
(notify object edited instead of object modified).
Slovak translation.
Insert html from ajax response into portlet only on expected response.
If the user does not have sufficient privileges, the login page is returned
in the ajax response instead of the expected portlet content.
Disabled Diazo theming in the @@quickupload view.
Update German translations.
made it work with plone 4.3 (import changed)
[jensens, bennyboy]
updated italian translation
do not create SESSION
object when not needed (see #21)
1.5.6 (2012-10-09)
Dexterity-related fixes.
Updated po files and french translation.
Updated italian translation.
1.5.5 (2012-08-25)
- Added a specific error message if upload failed
because content type is disallowed in the folder.
1.5.4 (2012-08-17)
Remove creation flag once content has been created
and file loaded.
Updated zh-tw and it translations.
[l34marr, giacomos]
1.5.3 (2012-07-13)
1.5.2 (2012-06-29)
1.5.1 (2012-05-24)
- Fixed Spanish language code.
1.5 (2012-05-24)
Use IUUID adapter instead of UID method in order to make it work also
with Dexterity items.
We can update existing files through quickupload.
If user try to upload a file that already exists,
if he is allowed to modify this existing object,
the file, title and description fields are replaced with new values.
German translations completed.
Raises MissingExtension exception when filename does not have the extension.
1.4 (2012-03-14)
Fix CSS images for sites using virtual host vh components.
Hide buttons after clearing the queue.
Trigger custom JS events after each file upload and also when all files
were uploaded
Updated responseJSON with more info about the uploaded file
(uid, title and name)
More robust check for existing file with same id.
Avoid some unsuitable error messages.
Move interfaces to collective.quickupload.interfaces module.
Finnish translation
1.3.1 (2011-12-22)
Display quickupload portlet on display views only
(disable it on edit forms, etc).
Add error logs when failures happen.
Works with dexterity AND without blobs.
1.3.0 (2011-11-29)
Added Italian translation
Make sure that the portlet is rendered if upload_portal_type is set to auto.
Prevent diazo themes from theming the json response.
If downloaded content type has been selected in portlet settings
and content type can't been added in current folder,
portlet is hidden.
Works with dexterity.
We can upload dexterity content types which have a file or image field.
We can upload contents in dexterity containers.
Updated Chinese translation.
1.2.1 (2011-10-10)
Don't speak about drag and drop feature if navigator is IE.
(it doesn't works unless version is IE 9.)
If chameleon is installed the i18n:attributes don't get translated if the
tag doesn't already have the attribute(s).
Update with more Norwegian translations.
[tormod, hannosch]
1.2.0 (2011-09-22)
Fixed error message when trying to upload a file which already exists in folder.
Added support for tests using plone.app.testing; control panel is now
removed when package is uninstalled.
Catch errors if sessions are disabled.
Use plone.app.portlets.ManagePortlets
permission, allows site-admins
to add/edit the portlet.
A folder type can implement IQuickUploadNotCapable
so that upload is not allowed on it.
We can include minimal.zcml file only to manually set IUploadCapable types.
Add more messages into po files + french translations.
Use IQuickUploadCapable interface to test if portlet has to be displayed.
Avoid some 404 errors.
User defined title is internationalized in plone domain.
Remove !important in css, that shouldn't be used in base css.
Portlet has a bottom left and bottom right.
Javascripts and css are loaded for authenticated users only.
Refs http://plone.org/products/collective.quickupload/issues/11.
[frisi, thomasdesvenain]
Fixed portlet field validation.
Fixed internationalizations.
Fixed .pot and .po files.
Added try/finally around upload_lock protected code to ensure that the lock
is released if an exception occurs.
Added Spanish translation
1.1.1 (2011-06-27)
1.1.0 (2011-04-06)
Mimetype detection works with blobs (plone 4.0+ files).
Keep dots in filename during id normalization.
Plone 4.1 compatibility.
let an empty content_type when mimetype_registry return None as mimetype
object will result in "application/octet-stream"
macadames 2010-09-29
use a specific interface IQuickUploadFactory in place of IFileFactory
to avoid possible conflicts with another products using the same interface
macadames and mroeder 2010-10-07
files id consolidation
macadames and mroeder 2010-10-07
log some rare exceptions (bad id, no primary field ...)
resolve http://plone.org/products/collective.quickupload/issues/6
macadames and mroeder 2010-10-08
fix error in quick_upload.py when typeupload was defined without mediaupload
resolve http://plone.org/products/collective.quickupload/issues/5
macadames and kayeva 2010-10-10
improve doctests (with last bugfixes on typeupload/mediaupload)
macadames 2010-10-10
fix doctests in Plone4
macadames 2010-10-10
IE7 css fixes upload button was uggly
macadames 2010-09-22
fix content-type header with FireFox xhr upload
sometimes is missing
macadames 2010-09-24
don't use unicode in setFileName
because it break Archetypes File Field download (unicode decode error)
macadames 2010-09-24
minor fixes in medialabel for upload
macadames 2010-09-26
fix set_id or check_id methods
now called on context, no more on aq_parent(context)
macadames 2010-09-14
slow down the removing of progressBar
to see something even when Plone is too fast :-)
macadames 2010-09-15
try to find the good content_type for uploaded files
using plone mime_types_registry when
mimetypes.guess_type(file_name) returns (None, None)
macadames 2010-09-17
fix strange ATFile behavior with content_types
when passing mutator(data, content_type=content_type)
the content_type is not always good
macadames 2010-09-17
Don't use unicode in setFileName
macadames 2010-09-24
fix content-type header with FireFox xhr upload
sometimes is missing
macadames 2010-09-24
fix jquery.uploadify on MSIE with a temp workaround
see ticket : https://dev.plone.org/plone/ticket/10894
macadames - 2010/09/02
using different ids for each uploader methods launchers
since we could have different uploaders in a same page
example : an images uploader portlet, a video uploader portlet
macadames - 2010/09/02
remove the cookie authentication method
with jquery.uploadify (it's not secure to send the cookie in all requests)
Just keep the old PloneFlashUpload method (ticket)
macadames - 2010/09/02
many improvements around fileuploader.js (fork) :
autoUpload option added
onAfterSelect option added
refactoristion with these new options
macadames - 2010/09/02
added fileuploader.js jscript launcher
macadames - 2010/08/25
change flashupload jscript launchers
to allow multiple uploaders in same page
macadames - 2010/08/25
Add fileuploader.js for XHR or simple hidden iframe uploader
macadames - 2010/08/25
Add quick upload control panel
macadames - 2010/08/25
Initial release :
extract upload code from collective.plonefinder
to make a separate package
macadames - 2010/08/25