Don't let your CLI app spit out hundreds of boring lines!
Manage your user feedback a bit like you manage logs, and get bonus colors and emojis just because we can!
This module provides an echo
symbol that you can use instead of print
for convenience.
It is also completely customizable!
predefined themes for common actions
Here's how a ci run could look like:
from coveo_styles.styles import echo
echo.step("Launching ci operations")
echo.normal("pytest", emoji='hourglass')
echo.normal("black", emoji='hourglass')
echo.noise("Generated test reports in .ci/")
echo.warning("Formatting errors detected")
echo.suggest("The --fix switch will automatically fix these for you and re-run the test !!smile!!")
echo.error("The CI run detected errors you need to fix", pad_after=False)
echo.error_details("Black reported files to reformat", item=True)
echo.error_details("Details as items is nice!", item=True)
Launching ci operations
⌛ pytest
⌛ black
Generated test reports in .ci/
✔ Success!
⚠ Formatting errors detected
🤖 The --fix switch will automatically fix these for you and re-run the test 😄
💥 The CI run detected errors you need to fix
· Black reported files to reformat
· Details as items is nice
It's even nicer with colors! :) This doc needs a few animated gifs!
exception hook
Exception handlers may re-raise an exception as an ExitWithFailure
in order to hide the traceback from the user and show a helpful error message.
Here's an example for the sake of demonstration:
from pathlib import Path
from coveo_styles.styles import ExitWithFailure
project = Path('./project').read_text()
except FileNotFoundError as exception:
raise ExitWithFailure(suggestions='Use the --list switch to see which projects I can see') from exception
The stacktrace will be hidden, the app will exit with code 1 after printing the exception type and message:
! FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'project'
🤖 Use the --list switch to see which projects I can see
Unhandled exceptions (those that are not wrapped by an ExitWithFailure), will display the usual python feedback and stacktrace.
hunting for emojis
Emoji support is provided by the emoji package.
Their description provides different links to help with your emoji hunt, but for some reason not everything is supported or has the name it should have.
The only foolproof way I have found is to actually inspect the emoji
package, either by opening site-packages/emoji/unicode_codes/
in my IDE or programmatically like this:
from coveo_styles.styles import echo
query = 'smile'.lower()
emoji_name = emoji_name.strip(':')
if query in emoji_name.lower():
echo.normal(f'{emoji_name}: !!{emoji_name}!!')
sweat_smile: 😅
cat_face_with_wry_smile: 😼
smile: 😄
smiley: 😃
smiley_cat: 😺
smile_cat: 😸