.. image::
:alt: Latest PyPI version
Python API client for currencylayer. This library supports all API access provide by currencylayer. Check for more info.
This package is compatible with Python 2.7, 3.0 to 3.5
Basic Use
To use currencylayer, you must first create a Client
passing the access key id you obtained when you registered
with currencylayer:
.. code:: python
import currencylayer
exchange_rate = currencylayer.Client(access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY)
e.g response
"terms": "",
"privacy": "",
"timestamp": 1430401802,
"source": "USD",
"quotes": {
"USDAED": 3.672982,
"USDAFN": 57.8936,
Live Rates
To get live rates, Call live_rates method and pass optional currency
.. code:: python
import currencylayer
exchange_rate = currencylayer.Client(access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY)
e.g response
"success": true,
"terms": "",
"privacy": "",
"timestamp": 1430068515,
"source": "GBP",
"quotes": {
"GBPAED": 5.578448,
"GBPAFN": 87.869413,
"GBPALL": 196.414724,
"GBPAMD": 719.087298,
"GBPANG": 2.717836,
"GBPAOA": 165.601846,
"GBPARS": 13.514458,
"GBPAUD": 1.941526,
Live Rates for Specific Currencies
To get live rates, for specific currencies Call live_rates_for method and pass optional array of currencies e.g ['EUR', 'GBP', 'AED'] and and optional base currency
.. code:: python
import currencylayer
exchange_rate = currencylayer.Client(access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY)
exchange_rate.live_rates_for(currencies=['AUD','CHF','EUR','GBP','PLN'], base_currency='USD')
e.g response
"success": true,
"terms": "",
"privacy": "",
"timestamp": 1430068515,
"source": "USD",
"quotes": {
"USDAUD": 1.278384,
"USDCHF": 0.953975,
"USDEUR": 0.919677,
"USDGBP": 0.658443,
"USDPLN": 3.713873
Historical Rates
To get historical rates, Call historical method and pass date and currency. If no date or currency is provided current date and USD is used. Date format required is YEAR-MONTH-DAY
.. code:: python
import currencylayer
exchange_rate = currencylayer.Client(access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY)
exchange_rate.historical(date='2005-02-01', base_currency='USD')
e.g response
"success": true,
"terms": "",
"privacy": "",
"historical": true,
"date": "2005-02-01",
"timestamp": 1107302399,
"source": "USD",
"quotes": {
"USDAED": 3.67266,
"USDALL": 96.848753,
"USDAMD": 475.798297,
"USDANG": 1.790403,
"USDARS": 2.918969,
"USDAUD": 1.293878,
Currency Conversion
To convert rate from one currency to another, Call convert method and pass three required parameters. from_currency, to_currency, amount and optional date.
.. code:: python
import currencylayer
exchange_rate = currencylayer.Client(access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY)
exchange_rate.convert(from_currency='USD', to_currency='GBP', amount=10)
e.g response
"success": true,
"terms": "",
"privacy": "",
"query": {
"from": "USD",
"to": "GBP",
"amount": 10
"info": {
"timestamp": 1430068515,
"quote": 0.658443
"result": 6.58443
Time-Frame Queries
To request historical exchange rates for a time-period of your choice call timeframe function pass three required parameters. start_date, end_date, currencies which must be a list and optional date.
.. code:: python
import currencylayer
exchange_rate = currencylayer.Client(access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY)
exchange_rate.timeframe(start_date='2010-03-01', end_date='2010-04-01', currencies=['USD', 'GBP', 'EUR'])
e.g response
"success": true,
"terms": "",
"privacy": "",
"timeframe": true,
"start_date": "2010-03-01",
"end_date": "2010-04-01",
"source": "USD",
"quotes": {
"2010-03-01": {
"USDUSD": 1,
"USDGBP": 0.668525,
"USDEUR": 0.738541
"2010-03-02": {
"USDUSD": 1,
"USDGBP": 0.668827,
"USDEUR": 0.736145
Currency-Change Queries
To request the change (both margin and percentage) of one or more currencies, relative to a Source Currency, within a specific time-frame (optional).
Call change_queries and pass three required parameters. start_date, end_date, currencies which must be a list and optional base_currency
.. code:: python
import currencylayer
exchange_rate = currencylayer.Client(access_key=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY)
exchange_rate.change_queries(start_date='2010-03-01', end_date='2010-04-01', currencies=['AUD','EUR','MXN'])
e.g response
Unit Test
To run unit test:
.. code:: python
Install the latest release with:
pip install currencylayer
Python 2.7, 3.0 to 3.5
was written by Said Ali <>