Desktop Application for Model Execution (DAME)
The Desktop Application for Model Execution (DAME) is an application for executing environmental models in any local environment or server through a command line interface.
DAME contains a registry of model containers and input data files, as well as metadata about what input data needs to be loaded to run regional configurations and setups of any given model.
Given a model identifier (e.g., TopoFlow for the Awash region: topoflow36_2.1.0_Awash
), DAME downloads the model container and its execution environment, and fetches the datasets needed (e.g., soil data, elevation data, etc). Then users can run the model with different input scenarios.
DAME works in Linux, MacOS and Windows. It is installed through a simple pip command.
Docker Configuration [MacOS, Windows, Linux]:
- Docker
- Python >= 3.6
DAME can use Docker to manage and run containers of software components.
Python 3
DAME uses Python. To install Python, just follow the steps below:
To install the latest version of DAME, open a terminal and run:
pip install dame-cli
Full documentation of the CLI, including usage examples, can be found at: