.. image:: https://rawgit.com/carlosp420/dataset-creator/master/media/logo.svg
:width: 240px
:align: center
:alt: Dataset-creator
Dataset creator for phylogenetic software
.. list-table::
:stub-columns: 1
* - tests
- | |travis| |requires| |coveralls|
* - package
- |version| |wheel| |supported-versions| |supported-implementations|
.. |travis| image:: https://travis-ci.org/carlosp420/dataset-creator.svg?branch=master
:alt: Travis-CI Build Status
:target: https://travis-ci.org/carlosp420/dataset-creator
.. |requires| image:: https://requires.io/github/carlosp420/dataset-creator/requirements.svg?branch=master
:alt: Requirements Status
:target: https://requires.io/github/carlosp420/dataset-creator/requirements/?branch=master
.. |coveralls| image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/carlosp420/dataset-creator/badge.svg?branch=master&service=github
:alt: Coverage Status
:target: https://coveralls.io/r/carlosp420/dataset-creator
.. |version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/dataset-creator.svg?style=flat
:alt: PyPI Package latest release
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataset-creator
.. |wheel| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/wheel/dataset-creator.svg?style=flat
:alt: PyPI Wheel
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataset-creator
.. |supported-versions| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/dataset-creator.svg?style=flat
:alt: Supported versions
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataset-creator
.. |supported-implementations| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/implementation/dataset-creator.svg?style=flat
:alt: Supported implementations
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dataset-creator
Dataset-Creator - easy way to creat phylogenetic datasets in many formats
Documentation: dataset-creator.readthedocs.org <http://dataset-creator.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>
Takes SeqRecordExpanded objects and creates datasets for phylogenetic software
such as MrBayes, TNT, BEAST, RAxML, MEGA, etc.
- Creates datasets in the following formats: FASTA, GenBankFASTA, NEXUS, TNT, MEGA
and Phylip.
- Can generate datasets of DNA and aminoacid sequences.
- Can generate datasets of degenerated sequences.
- It can partition datasets by codon positions or by gene.
Quick start
pip install dataset_creator
Then the list of SeqRecordExpanded objects should be sorted by gene_code first
then by voucher_code.
.. code-block:: python
>>> from seqrecord_expanded import SeqRecord
>>> from dataset_creator import Dataset
>>> # `table` is the Translation Table code based on NCBI
>>> seq_record1 = SeqRecord('ACTACCTA', reading_frame=2, gene_code='RpS5',
... table=1, voucher_code='CP100-10',
... taxonomy={'genus': 'Aus', 'species': 'bus'})
>>> seq_record2 = SeqRecord('ACTACCTA', reading_frame=2, gene_code='RpS5',
... table=1, voucher_code='CP100-10',
... taxonomy={'genus': 'Aus', 'species': 'bus'})
>>> seq_record3 = SeqRecord('ACTACCTA', reading_frame=2, gene_code='wingless',
... table=1, voucher_code='CP100-10',
... taxonomy={'genus': 'Aus', 'species': 'bus'})
>>> seq_record4 = SeqRecord('ACTACCTA', reading_frame=2, gene_code='winglesss',
... table=1, voucher_code='CP100-10',
... taxonomy={'genus': 'Aus', 'species': 'bus'})
>>> seq_records = [
... seq_record1, seq_record2, seq_record3, seq_record4,
... ]
>>> # codon positions can be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 1st-2nd, ALL (default)
>>> dataset = Dataset(seq_records, format='TNT', partitioning='by codon position',
... codon_positions='ALL')
>>> dataset = Dataset(seq_records, format='PHYLIP', partitioning='1st-2nd, 3rd',
... codon_positions='ALL')
>>> dataset = Dataset(seq_records, format='NEXUS', partitioning='by gene',
... codon_positions='1st')
>>> dataset = Dataset(seq_records, format='NEXUS', partitioning='by gene',
... codon_positions='ALL', aminoacids=True)
>>> # Produce a dataset of degenerated sequences using the 'S' method:
>>> dataset = Dataset(seq_records, format='NEXUS', partitioning='by gene',
... codon_positions='ALL', degenerate='S')
>>> print(dataset.dataset_str)
blah blah ...
Further documentation can be found at
dataset-creator.readthedocs.org <http://dataset-creator.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>
To run the all tests run::
0.5.0 (2021-03-20)
- added support for bankit format
0.4.0 (2020-06-28)
- dropped support for python 2
- added support for long taxon names in generated dataset files
0.3.20 (2018-01-07)
- Updated seq record expanded.
0.3.19 (2018-01-06)
- Fixed version of seqrecord expanded in setup.py.
0.3.18 (2018-01-06)
- Support lineages for genbank fasta files.
0.3.17 (2018-01-06)
- Avoid raising exception when translating sequence with dash.
0.3.16 (2017-10-01)
- Fixed creating dataset with 1st, 2nd or 3rd codon positions.
0.3.14 (2016-09-11)
- upgrade
0.3.13 (2016-08-27)
- Fixed bug that did not replace all white spaces for underscores in taxon names
when building datasets. Due to taxon names with whitespaces, the NEXUS
interpreter assumed that part of the name was actually part of the sequence,
rendering the sequence invalid.
- Added some dependencies to requirements.
0.3.11 (2016-06-25)
- Upgraded seqrecord-expanded requirement.
0.3.10 (2015-12-01)
- Fixed bug that produced FASTA sequences with underscores. Now all voucher codes
will have their dashes replaced by underscores.
0.3.9 (2015-11-06)
- Create datasets using the GenBankFASTA format. This format has the following
extra info in the description of sequences:
Aus_aus_CP100-10 [org=Aus aus] [Specimen-voucher=CP100-10] [note=ArgKin gene, partial cds.] [Lineage=]
0.3.8 (2015-10-30)
- Fixed making dataset as aminoacid seqs for MEGA format.
- Fixed making dataset as degenerated seqs for MEGA format.
- Fixed making dataset as degenerated seqs for TNT format.
- Fixed making dataset as aa seqs with specified outgroup for TNT format.
- Raise ValueError when asked to degenerate seqs that will go to partitioning
based on codon positions.
- Dataset creator returns warnings if translated sequences have stop codons '*'.
- Cannot generate MEGA datasets with partitioning.
0.3.7 (2015-10-30)
- Fixed 2nd, 3rd codon positions bug that returned empty FASTA datasets.
0.3.6 (2015-10-30)
- Fixed 3rd codon positions bug that returned FASTA datasets with 3rd codon
positions even if they were not needed.
0.3.5 (2015-10-29)
- If user provides outgroup, then TNT datasets will place its sequences in first
position in the dataset blocks.
0.3.4 (2015-10-02)
- Fixed bug that did not show DATATYPE=PROTEIN in Nexus files when aminoacid
sequences were requested by user.
0.3.3 (2015-10-02)
- Fixed bug that raised an exception when SeqExpandedRecords did not have data
in the
0.3.2 (2015-10-01)
- Fixed bug that raised an exception when user wanted partitioned dataset as
1st-2nd and 3rd codon positions of only one codon.
0.3.1 (2015-10-01)
- Fixed bug that raised an exception when user wanted partitioned dataset by
codon positions of only one codon.
0.3.0 (2015-10-01)
- Accepts voucher code as string that will be used to generate the outgroup
string needed for NEXUS and TNT files.
0.2.0 (2015-09-30)
- Creates datasets as degenerated sequences using the method by Zwick et al.
0.1.1 (2015-09-30)
- It will issue errors if reading frames are not specified unless they
are strictly necessary to build the dataset (datasets need to be divided by
codon positions).
- Added documentation using sphinx-doc
- Creates datasets as aminoacid sequences.
0.1.0 (2015-09-23)
- Creates Nexus, Tnt, Fasta, Phylip and Mega dataset formats.
0.0.1 (2015-06-10)