What can it do?
datedays is available on PyPI:
$ pip install datedays
for example:
import datedays
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('now :', datedays.getnow())
print('-' * 30)
print('tomorrow:', datedays.gettomorrow())
print('the day after tomorrow:', datedays.gettomorrow(days=2))
print('after 30 days:', datedays.gettomorrow(days=30))
print('after 180 days:', datedays.gettomorrow(days=180))
print('after 1000 days:', datedays.gettomorrow(days=1000))
print('-' * 30)
print('yesterday:', datedays.getyesterday())
print('the day before yesterday:', datedays.getyesterday(days=2))
print('180 days ago:', datedays.getyesterday(days=180))
print('1000 days ago:', datedays.getyesterday(days=1000))
now : 2022-08-19 15:13:44
tomorrow: 2022-08-20
the day after tomorrow: 2022-08-21
after 30 days: 2022-09-18
after 180 days: 2023-02-15
after 1000 days: 2025-05-15
yesterday: 2022-08-18
the day before yesterday: 2022-08-17
180 days ago: 2022-02-20
1000 days ago: 2019-11-23
Still updating
1. Get common date data
Method | description | return result | parameter |
getnow() | get today's date | for example: 2022-08-16 17:56:17 | |
gettomorrow() | tomorrow | 2022-08-17 | select the next day (just pass in the number you want) |
getyesterday() | yesterday | 2022-08-15 | select the last day (just pass in the desired number) |
getdays() | default date list within three months | ... (test printing is recommended) | number = number of months you want |
getnowtimestamp() | get the current timestamp | 1660644568238 | default milliseconds (optional seconds, milliseconds, microseconds) |
gettodaydays() | get the list of remaining days of this month by default | ... (it is recommended to test and print) | you can specify a day of a month to get the remaining days of the month |
getnextdays() | get the total number of days of the next month by default | ... (test printing is recommended) | you can specify the month and the number of months |
getstr2timestamp() | date string to timestamp | ... (test printing is recommended) | parameter 1: date, parameter 2: date format |
gettimestamp2str() | timestamp to date string | ... (test printing is recommended) | parameter 1:timestamp |
getstartend() | get interval days or days list | ... (test printing is recommended) | parameter 1:start date, parameter 2:end date parameter 3:return list |
headers2dict() | copy headers string convert dict | ... (test printing is recommended) | parameter 1: headers string |
2. Operate excel report
Method | description | return result | parameter |
excel_write_openpyxl() | write excel report | ... (recommended test) | filename: file name, data: data to be saved, format: [first line], [second line], [Third Line]...] |
excel_read_openpyxl() | read excel report | ... (recommended test) | filename: filename, sheet_ Index: subscript of sheet |
excel_read_xlrd() | read excel report (support XLS) | ... (recommended test) | filename: filename, sheet_ Index: subscript of sheet |
3. Perform common encryption signature
Method | description | return result | parameter |
md2() | MD2 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
md5() | MD5 encryption | ... (default 32-bit result) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format, length_: Return length, optional 16 |
sha1() | SHA1 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
sha2_224() | SHA2_224 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
sha2_256() | SHA2_256 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
sha2_384() | SHA2_384 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
sha2_512() | SHA2_512 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
sha3_224() | SHA3_224 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
sha3_256() | SHA3_256 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
sha3_384() | SHA3_384 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
sha3_512() | SHA3_512 encryption | ... (recommended test) | body: encrypted content, encode: encoding format |
4. Obtain the encrypted signature of the file
Method | description | return result | parameter |
encrypt_smallfile() | encrypt small files | ... (recommended test) | filename: filename, mode: default MD5 (optional encryption above) |
encrypt_bigfile() | encrypt large files | ... (recommended test) | filename: filename, mode: default MD5 (optional encryption above) |
Method | description | return result | parameter |
getuuid() | get uuid(support1,3,4,5) | ... (recommended test) | mode:default uuid4,merge:replace('-', '') |
getrandompassword() | randomly generated password | ... (recommended test) | k: result length, more_characters: recommended !@#$%.*&+- |
For Example
all dates within 2 days to 10 days
import datedays
if __name__ == '__main__':
['2022-08-11', '2022-08-12', '2022-08-13', '2022-08-14', '2022-08-15', '2022-08-16', '2022-08-17', '2022-08-18']
I hope it can help you!