dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications.
Please see the dbt documentation on Exasol setup for more information on how to start using the Exasol adapter.
Current profile.yml settings
target: dev
type: exasol
threads: 1
password: PASSWORD
dbname: db
schema: SCHEMA
Optional login credentials using OpenID for Exasol SaaS
OpenID login through access_token or refresh_token instead of user+password
Optional parameters
- connection_timeout: defaults to pyexasol default
- socket_timeout: defaults to pyexasol default
- query_timeout: defaults to pyexasol default
- compression: default: False
- encryption: default: True
- protocol_version: default: v3
- row_separator: default: CRLF for windows - LF otherwise
- timestamp_format: default: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS.FF6
Known isues
>=1.8.1 additional parameters
As of dbt-exasol 1.8.1 it is possible to add new model config parameters for models materialized as table or incremental.
- partition_by_config
- distribute_by_config
- primary_key_config
- Example table materialization config
In case more than one column is used, put them in a list.
>=1.8 license change
As of dbt-exasol version 1.8 we have decided to switch to Apache License from GPLv3 - to be equal to dbt-core licensing.
setuptools breaking change
Due to a breaking change in setuptools and a infected dependency from dbt-core, we need to use the following workaround for poetry install.
Using encryption in Exasol 7 vs. 8
Starting from Exasol 8, encryption is enforced by default. If you are still using Exasol 7 and have trouble connecting, you can disable encryption in profiles.yaml (see optional parameters).
Materialized View & Clone operations
In Exasol materialized views and clone operations are not suported. Default behaviour from dbt-core will fail accordingly.
Null handling in test_utils null safe handling
In Exasol empty string are NULL. Due to this behaviour and as of this pull request 7776 published in dbt-core 1.6,
seeds in tests that use EMPTY literal to simulate empty string have to be handled with special behaviour in exasol.
See fixture for csv in exasolseedsdata_hash_csv for tests/functional/adapter/utils/test_utils.py::TestHashExasol.
Model contracts
The following database constraints are implemented for Exasol:
Constraint Type | Status |
check | NOT supported |
not null | enforced |
unique | NOT supported |
primary key | enforced |
foreign key | enforced |
>=1.5 Incremental model update
Fallback to dbt-core implementation and supporting strategies
>=1.3 Python model not yet supported - WIP
Breaking changes with release 1.2.2
- Timestamp format defaults to YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS.FF6
SQL functions compatibility
There is no equivalent SQL function in Exasol for split_part.
listagg part_num
The SQL function listagg in Exasol does not support the num_part parameter.
Utilities shim package
In order to support packages like dbt-utils and dbt-audit-helper, we needed to create the shim package exasol-utils. In this shim package we need to adapt to parts of the SQL functionality that is not compatible with Exasol - e.g. when 'final' is being used which is a keyword in Exasol. Please visit Adaopter dispatch documentation of dbt-labs for more information.
Reporting bugs and contributing code
- Please report bugs using the issues
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