Dexterity client SDK
Dexterity is a derivatives decentralized exchange running on Solana.
This package provides the basic blocks in order to integrate and trade on Dexterity.
You can learn more about Dexterity here.
Creating the client
First, an instance of a Solana client is required.
from dexteritysdk.dex.sdk_context import SDKContext, SDKTrader
from solana.rpc.api import Client
from solana.keypair import Keypair
from solana.pubkey import Pubkey
def main():
network = ""
client = Client(network)
A Keypair for the payer has to also be provided.
keypair = Keypair.from_secret_key(keypair_bytes)
The SDK also requires the Market Product Group (MPG) that we're going to trade on.
The public key of the default MPG is HiCy6vzuN3yLXD3z35D6nV7bzNLcyrvGLf3uSKuutSLo
for mainnet or HyWxreWnng9ZBDPYpuYugAfpCMkRkJ1oz93oyoybDFLB
for devnet.
mpg = Pubkey("HiCy6vzuN3yLXD3z35D6nV7bzNLcyrvGLf3uSKuutSLo")
mpg = Pubkey("HyWxreWnng9ZBDPYpuYugAfpCMkRkJ1oz93oyoybDFLB")
Now, we're ready to get an instance of SDKContext
for this MPG.
ctx = SDKContext.connect(
Registering new trader / TRG
If you're a new trader, creation of a trading account is required.
trader = ctx.register_trader(keypair)
trg_key = trader.account
The Trader Risk Group (TRG) is your trading account, that you can now use.
Using an existing TRG
If you already have a trader set up, you need to provide the TRG public key for it.
The SDK allows you to list all your registered TRGs.
trg_keys = ctx.list_trader_risk_groups()
After finding your TRG, you can initialise the SDKTrader
from dexteritysdk.codegen.dex.types import TraderRiskGroup
from dexteritysdk.program_ids import *
from dexteritysdk.utils.solana import explore
trader = SDKTrader.connect(ctx, trg_pubkey, keypair)
Funding the TRG
To start trading, you need to deposit funds.
The tokens deposited have to be MPG vault mint tokens (e.g. USDC).
The wallet you provided will be debited.
trader.deposit(ctx, 733.1)
You can also withdraw in a similar fashion.
trader.withdraw(ctx, 0.1)
You can check your balance at any time.
trg, _ = trader.get_trader_risk_group()
Trading on Dexterity
Listing trading products and order books
The products
field of a SDKContext
instance, is a list of the available trading products (SDKProduct
Every SDKProduct
has a name
and a get_orderbook(ctx)
function that will return its order book (SDKOrderBook
The SDKOrderBook
contains all SDKOrders
on each side of the book.
Here's an example:
for product in ctx.products:
book = product.get_orderbook(ctx, refresh=True)
print(f"Printing the order book of {}")
for order in book.bids:
print(f"Bid of size {order.qty} at {order.price}")
for order in book.asks:
print(f"Ask of size {order.qty} at {order.price}")
Placing an order
Placing an order is straightforward.
from dexteritysdk.utils.aob import Side
order_summary = trader.place_order(ctx, product, Side.ASK, size, price)
The returned SDKOrderSummary
contains the order_id
of the new order, as well as the remaining_qty
and filled_qty
if your order has been filled. If the order is immediately fully filled, order_id
will be None
If there's any error, an exception will be raised.
Cancelling orders
To cancel a previous order you can call trader.cancel(ctx, product, order_id)
Following the previous example:
trader.cancel(ctx, product, order_summary.order_id)
You can also cancel all your open orders for multiple products.
products = [ctx.products[0], ctx.products[2]]
trader.cancel_all_orders(ctx, products)
If any cancel fails, an exception will be raised.
Positions can also be listed, by iterating the trader_positions
trg, _ = trader.get_trader_risk_group()