Decentralized Instant Messaging Protocol (Python)
extends Command
- Handshake Command Protocol
0. (C-S) handshake start
- (S-C) handshake again with new session
- (C-S) handshake restart with new session
- (S-C) handshake success
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Optional, Any, Dict
from dimp import Command, BaseCommand
class HandshakeState(IntEnum):
Start = 0
Again = 1
Restart = 2
Success = 3
class HandshakeCommand(BaseCommand):
Handshake Command
data format: {
type : 0x88,
sn : 123,
command : "handshake", // command name
title : "Hello world!", // "DIM?", "DIM!"
session : "{SESSION_ID}", // session key
HANDSHAKE = 'handshake'
def __init__(self, content: Dict[str, Any] = None, title: str = None, session: str = None):
if content is None:
assert title is not None, 'handshake command error: %s' % session
cmd = self.HANDSHAKE
self['title'] = title
self['message'] = title
if session is not None:
self['session'] = session
assert title is None and session is None, 'params error: %s, %s, %s' % (content, title, session)
def title(self) -> str:
text = self.get_str(key='title', default=None)
if text is None:
text = self.get_str(key='message', default='')
return text
def session(self) -> Optional[str]:
return self.get_str(key='session', default=None)
def state(self) -> HandshakeState:
return handshake_state(title=self.title, session=self.session)
def offer(cls, session: str = None) -> Command:
Create client-station handshake offer
:param session: Old session key
:return: HandshakeCommand object
return HandshakeCommand(title='Hello world!', session=session)
def ask(cls, session: str) -> Command:
Create station-client handshake again with new session
:param session: New session key
:return: HandshakeCommand object
return HandshakeCommand(title='DIM?', session=session)
def accepted(cls, session: str = None) -> Command:
Create station-client handshake success notice
:return: HandshakeCommand object
return HandshakeCommand(title='DIM!', session=session)
start = offer
again = ask
restart = offer
success = accepted
def handshake_state(title: str, session: str = None) -> HandshakeState:
if title == 'DIM!':
return HandshakeState.Success
if title == 'DIM?':
return HandshakeState.Again
if session is None or len(session) == 0:
return HandshakeState.Start
return HandshakeState.Restart
extends Content
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict
from dimp import ContentType
from dimp import Content
from dimp import BaseContent
class CustomizedContent(Content, ABC):
Application Customized message
data format: {
type : 0xCC,
sn : 123,
app : "{APP_ID}", // application (e.g.: "chat.dim.sechat")
mod : "{MODULE}", // module name (e.g.: "drift_bottle")
act : "{ACTION}", // action name (e.g.: "throw")
extra : info // action parameters
def application(self) -> str:
""" App ID """
raise NotImplemented
def module(self) -> str:
""" Module Name """
raise NotImplemented
def action(self) -> str:
""" Action Name """
raise NotImplemented
def create(cls, app: str, mod: str, act: str):
return AppCustomizedContent(app=app, mod=mod, act=act)
class AppCustomizedContent(BaseContent, CustomizedContent):
def __init__(self, content: Dict[str, Any] = None,
msg_type: int = None,
app: str = None, mod: str = None, act: str = None):
if content is None:
assert app is not None and mod is not None and act is not None, \
'customized content error: %s, %s, %s, %s' % (msg_type, app, mod, act)
if msg_type is None:
msg_type = ContentType.CUSTOMIZED.value
super().__init__(None, msg_type)
self['app'] = app
self['mod'] = mod
self['act'] = act
assert msg_type is None and app is None and mod is None and act is None, \
'params error: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % (content, msg_type, app, mod, act)
def application(self) -> str:
return self.get_str(key='app', default='')
def module(self) -> str:
return self.get_str(key='mod', default='')
def action(self) -> str:
return self.get_str(key='act', default='')
extends ID Address
Copyright © 2018 Albert Moky