Discord Protocol Buffers
Reverse-engineering Discord's user settings protobufs.
This repository provides protocol buffer files for Discord's user settings automatically generated and automatically updated. The protobufs are provided as .proto files in the out/ directory, one file per settings type.
These protobufs are used by the Discord clients for user settings.
Provided for educational purposes only.
Automating user accounts is against the Discord ToS. This repository is a proof of concept and I cannot recommend using it. Do so at your own risk.
# with npm
npm install discord-protos
# with yarn
yarn add discord-protos
# with pnpm
pnpm add discord-protos
# with pip
pip install discord-protos
const { PreloadedUserSettings } = require('discord-protos');
const encoded = PreloadedUserSettings.toBase64({
status: {
status: {
value: "online",
customStatus: {
text: "Hello World",
emojiId: 0n,
emojiName: "",
expiresAtMs: 0n,
const decoded = PreloadedUserSettings.fromBase64(encoded);
console.log(encoded, decoded);
import base64
from discord_protos import PreloadedUserSettings
settings = PreloadedUserSettings()
encoded = base64.b64encode(settings.ParseDict({
'status': {
'status': {
'value': 'online',
'custom_status': {
'text': 'Hello World',
'emoji_id': 0,
'emoji_name': '',
'expires_at_ms': 0,
decoded = PreloadedUserSettings.FromString(base64.b64decode(encoded))
print(encoded, decoded)
The following table shows which protobuf user settings correspond to which .proto file (the Python package also provides a UserSettingsType
enum for convenience).
Type | Value | File | Use |
1 | PRELOADED_USER_SETTINGS | PreloadedUserSettings.proto | General Discord user settings. |
2 | FRECENCY_AND_FAVORITES_SETTINGS | FrecencyUserSettings.proto | Frecency and favorites storage for various things. |
3 | TEST_SETTINGS | - | Unknown. |
The .proto files can be compiled down to Python or JavaScript files by running npm run py
or npm run js
. This requires protoc to be installed.
Base64-encoded data for these protobufs are provided by the GET /users/@me/settings-proto/{type}
endpoint. For preloaded user settings, base64-encoded data is provided in the user_settings_proto
key of the READY event received in the Discord Gateway, as well as in USER_SETTINGS_PROTO_UPDATE events.
Running pnpm load
will extract and save the latest protobufs to the discord_protos/ directory.